A Brand New life.

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The kiss was so memorizing, so passionately, I just couldn't resist her lips, so juicy, so kissable, I just love my Girlfriend so much, My Leonora.


Reader's POV

When my love stopped kissing me, I was confused but I waited for her words, "Love, let's go somewhere else, I have a surprise for you, would you mind closing your eyes?, I promise I'll guide you my love" She said in a sweet but with a sexy voice, "Alright my love I trust you"

I was sure we were in my favorite spot, at the pond, I smell the breeze and nature, "You can open your eyes now love", As I opened my eyes I then saw Nora bend one knee, is she- "Y/n Y/l/n the love of my life, when you came to the world, I change barely, I become more pain free, you were always there for me, when I'm sick you were there, when I was tired you offered you will to my work, I owe you the world Y/n, My love Will you marry me?", I started crying, "Yes! Of course!", Tears flood my eyes, she puts the ring in my ring finger, "I will be your greatest wife My love, I love you" She started to wipe my tears away, "I love you too, My Nora" this is the memorable memory of mine that I will never ever forget.

When Prof. Dovey knew she was so proud of me and so happy for me, I was so so happy, I just couldn't hide my smile on my face, My soon-to-be wife, is so happy, it's her first time to smile in public, I love her more than everything.



This is it, I'm in a full wedding gown dress, Dovey was so happy, she can't stop smiling and she was about to cry, when it's my turn to walk through the aisle, I saw the love of my life, She's so beautiful, I can't imagine she's wearing a white suit, that it's fit her the wedding was perfect, as I got close to my Wife, she looked at me and said "You look so beautiful my Wife", she said in a sexy tone, even infront of Dovey? Well I don't have the guts to yell at her, it's the best day I ever had, "Lady Leonora Lesso, will you take Y/n Y/l/n as your forever wife?" Said Dovey, "I Do." She said in a serious tone, "Y/n Y/l/n will you take Lady Leonora Lesso as your forever Wife?" Lesso looked at me, "I Certainly Do." I said, "You may now kiss the bride!", Dovey shouts and with that Lesso kissed me, it was a light kiss and kissed back of course, everything was perfect, we then pushed back because of lack of oxygen, She hugged me tightly, "I finally going to call you My Wife", She said, in the sweetest tone I could here.



After the wedding it was just me and my wife in bed, we were making our honeymoon, she kissed me hungeryly, the kiss was dominating, she was biting my bottom lip, while her hand was removing my wedding dress, while I couldn't stop moaning and whimpering, but I unbutton her suit, "Somebody's naughty don't you think?", She successfully take off my wedding dress and saw me in my bra and my underwear, she was so damn good.

We're both naked and we kept coming and coming, My wife is such a good sucker, I'm all wet the bed is wet she was the best feeling ever, we were in the 10th round, I feel like I'm not going to stand up in a month.

After our honeymoon it was the best, My wife helped me to get a shower and help me get dressed, "Thank you My wife", I said with a smile on my face, "Honey, it's a wife thing to do, do you want cuddles?", She ask of course i want it's not a want but it's a need, we were cuddling, it's the best day in my entire life, with my love of my life, I'm happy, were happy, Our Happily ever after. <333

The End.

Our Journey has come to an end!, I tried the best happy ending, did you like it??, And also!! I thank you so much for 20k Readers 😭❤️ I appreciate so much it just ugghhhhh, my hard work of typing a story, I love you all, thank you for

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