Day 1

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You went to the grand hall and you find there was two deans and they introduce themselves.

Professor Dovey: " I'm Professor Dovey Dean of the school for Good."

Lady Lesso: " And I'm Lady Lesso dean of the school for Evil."

Both: "Let's Eat!"

You started to look at your food and it look horrible and it doesn't taste good, you decided not to eat, you just stared at your food for a few minutes, Hester noticed that you are not eating.

Hester: " Hey you should eat you will be starving later"
She said to you

Y/n: "It's fine, I'm really not that hungry though."
You replied to her

Hester didn't agreed to your response she takes your bowl, then get the spoon in the table and scoop it then it was towards in your mouth.

Hester: " Like i said you will be starving later, say ah"

You look at her and you didn't open your mouth cause it didn't taste good

Hester: " I'm warning you, say ah"

You have no choice but to open your mouth, it taste so bad, but every bite of the food the food was getting better and better, you were shock.

Hester: " See, i know you will gonna like this food."

You smiled at her and you thanked her.

After eating you and the others went to the uglyfication class, the teacher explained that we need to be ugly and blah blah blah.....
A few minute has passed the uglyfication was finnaly done and the next one is Lady Lesso's class, you were going to the comfort room to go to per and you relized you don't know where is it, you struggle to find it but no, you saw the clock that there is only 15 minutes to go to Lady Lesso's class, you couldn't stand more, you ran through evey room, and there you fond it, the comfort room, you sigh in relief, you realized you only have 3 minutes to go to Lady Lesso's class you were running like a cheetah, you ignore the guards to slow down maybe you feel into something, you have only one minute left and you fond the door and you didn't relized there was a wall incoming to you, you accidentally hit the wall and you didn't realized your lip and nose was bleeding, you made it in time, eyes were on you, Lady Lesso stared at you for a few seconds and then she started her class

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