Special Talent (2)

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Since it's the weekends today, how about i will show my secret talent that i have never ever say it to anyone.

"Ohhh Y/n, what is your other other special talent??" Dot said, she can't wait for me to answer.

"Follow me." They all follow me, even tho deans... Weird.

When we reached to the cafeteria, they all stoped, i looked at them my friends jaws drop to the ground, i chuckled quitely.

"So umm i think you already know what is my next special talent."

They just stood there in shocked, even the two deans.

"So go to the seating area, over there." I pointed a small table to fit all of them there, they all nod and they sat to the table.

"Alright time to make the worlds greatest pasta in the world." I laughed at my self.

It's been five minutes, and boom done!

I pored the pasta to the plate one by one, viola.

"Pasta is served!" I shouted, my friends were so excited to tasted it, they all scoop the pasta and ate the first bite, they all stoped, i was kinda getting worried, the sauce was fine, what could it go wrong?

"Y/n, I'm only going to say this once, but this is the most delicious pasta i ever ever taste on." Lesso give me a proud smile on her face.

"Thank you, Lady Lesso, I'm glad you liked it." I gave a small smile.

"Ehem?!? Excuse me, not 'you' we! We liked it so much right guys?" Hort said. They all agreed and i was happy very very happy.

"Would you like to taste your pasta that you've made?" Analid says with her fork and with a
pasta on it.

"No thanks, im good." I smiled and went back to the kitchen, i didn't take the whole pasta, i saved up for my friend (Rafal) and for Tedros.

Hi! So umm, we have a groupings, and Boy finnaly! I'm not the leader anymore! Im happy about it, so please stay healthy and safe, and thank you for voting and reading this story, I love you all! <3

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