Happy Birthday

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After me, Tedros and our Father have yelled eachother i didn't even felt bad not just a bit, he already knows it's his fault, but still no.

I woke up, another bad morning for me i guess, i was still in the nursery room, still recovering from the scrathes that i've made, but still i don't care ive been thinking lot with Lesso for now on, but something is on my mind right now it's like I've have forgotten something about myself.

Tedros POV
Since today is my big sisters Birthday!, Even tho we didn't get along with eachother but i still now it's her birthday today, i have to start to bake hee a cake?, Shit i don't know how, i need to find Lesso or maybe Dovey, to help me something about Y/n's type of cake, i don't know how about Strawberry cake or chocolate cake, OR how about a blueberry cake?, I shaked my head getting back to reality, i went to Dovey's Office finding Lesso is in their to, they didn't closed the door, i sneakily put my ear to the door.

"Oh Lesso, i know shes still in-love with you! I just know that!" I heard Dovey saying in a happy mood

"What if she changed her mind? And found a better person?" Lesso said in a concered voice 'wow i didnt know that Lesso is still in-love with Y/n how interesting'

"Dont do 'What ifs' just put your hopes up! And tell that you really loved her" Lesso nodded and about to walked to the door, i quickly opened the without knocking.

"I'm so sorry that i didn't knocked the door but i have something to discuss with Lesso and you to Dovey, if you are very busy its alright" the two deans looked eachother and the nod, i smiled and took my seat so as Lesso.

"Ok, so umm today is actually is about Y/n" they look at me with full attention.

"What about her? I mean she is you sister all this time" Lesso said

"So umm, it's actually her Birthday today." I said

I will just put a name who is talking if that's ok with you


Tedros: Yeah, it is but i really needed your help how to celebrate and which cake would i pick.

Dovey: I will prepare some birthday stuff and Lesso! You will be in-charge with the cake or maybe Tedros will do it, just Teamwork!

Tedros: Sure if it's ok with Lesso

Lesso: Sure, anything for Y/n it is her special day today.

Lesson bought some flour and some more ingredients for the cake, i still have no idea what cake does she liked?

Lesso: So what flavour does Y/n want? Strawberry, chocolate?

I stared at her, i suddenly remembered when me and Rafal talked to eachother about Y/n, he said that she really loved ice cream-

Tedros: Wait! What if we baked a Ice Cream Cake!

Lesso: Now that's more like it.

We baked the cake we have many ice cream which is good.

A few hours/minutes later that Ice cream cake was done! I gave a Lesso a high five, i didnt even thought she would do it but wow, the dean of the school for evil had a soft spot.

Y/n's POV
I got up and went to the bathroom, i looked at the mirror and i remembered that it was Tedros Birthday!, How could I've ever forget? Well how can I make a cake when I'm still in the nursery room?, I shook my head, i took my jacket and left the nursery room, quickly and quietly, i went to the grand hall and saw Tedros and the two deans, Preparing something, i went straight to the kitchen get some ingredients and went to the school for good, i went to the dungeon and put the ingredients to the table making a chocolate cake.

After a few hours/minutes later the chocolate is done, i sigh in relief and got to the school for evil,(idk where is the grand hall, sorry)

I went to the nursery room, and put some candles and excitedly wait for Tedros, i know he would visited me everyday.

While waiting for Tedros i changed myself into a beautiful dress (any color of the dress).

I pulled my blanket so Tedros not will see my dress,i put the cake to the table, i know he will saw it, but i just can't put it on the ground maybe the mouses will eat Tedros cake, i close my eyes and pretend like i was sleeping.

I heard the door opened quitly, ans i got up and took the cake.

Both Tedros and Y/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I looked at him shocked, and while me that i didn't know it's my birthday today.

Tedros: Wait is it my birthday today?.

Y/n: i was about to say that but yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


And we did celebrate our birthdays, the two deans had a high five, wait when did the dean of the school for evil had a soft spot?

Dovey: Now Y/n, Tedros and Lesso baked the cake and we wanted you to try the cake.

I nod and took a kitchen knife, i sliced the cake and i taste it, it wa surprisingly tasted amazing, they looked at me, and hopefully i liked it.

Lesso:So Y/n, how was it?

Y/n: did Tedros and Lesso really baked this cake?

Tedros: look Y/n if you dont like it we can't throw it away...

Tedros looked at me in a sad face.


They looked at me with shocked face

Tedros: OMG REALLY?!

I noded in response, Tedros hug me "your the best big sister I've could of asked for"

Dovey:OK! I wanted to try Y/n's baked cake!

Lesso: Same here

I break the hug to Tedros and took the cake and went to Tedros,

Y/n: You know Tedros your the most best Brother in the world, i know we haven't known for too long but i hoped we get along together as the two gay siblings.

We all laughed at my last sentence.

Tedros: Ok the was the most precious words that nobody tell me that.

Lesso: Oh stop the emotional here lets try Y/n's cake.

I took the knife and gave it to the birthday boy, he sliced it, and tasted it, he was smiling like a cute baby, we celebrated and we had so much fun, as me and Tedros birthday present no classes today.

HIII guys Happy Chinese New year to all of you, and thank you for reading and voting for my story I'm very happy, and please stay safe and healthy always! I love you<3

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