Finger Glow

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Today is a big day, i took a lovely shower, change my clothes, out some light make-up on and went to the grand hall, I saw there were two lines, i obviously go to the line for evil, i was in the end of the line so u have to wait patiently waiting for my turn.

It's been a few minutes, and finnaly its my turn, i show my index finger and Lesso put the key to my skin, it was very painful but it was gone for a few seconds, now it's glowing, i was went to my seat and went to eat with my friends, i always the first one who is done eating, i was very very bored so i stand up and went to dots lap and do a sexy dance, which made her shock.

"Dang Y/n i didn't even know if your really bired you do sexy stuff" Dot said while i was doing a sexy dance, i chuckle at her.

"Heh... Lol" i stand up but Dot pull my hand and i went to her lap again.

"Is it ok, for you to sit in my lap?" I nodded.

"Great then." She had a big smile at my face, i saw Lesso looking at me, i stared at her and look away immediately.

Hi guys this is a short story, and my classes is just starting today, I've been really sick right now I'm very sorry, maybe tomorrow i wonr post but it's up to my crazy mind or what but thank you for the vites and the readers, i love you all<3

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