Come Back With Me

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Time went by, days turning to weeks, weeks turning to months and months turning into years.

It's been 1 year since I've been here in the School for Evil, and me and Lesso are having a secret relationship, they announced that we have 5 months to go home like a vacation.

I have no family but i have Tedros by my side but he had a mother to protect he

I have my father, speaking of my father he didn't sent me some letters like all the time when we both argue that he left us nothing but bills to pay and everything.

We found out that the school master is just Rafal but he just shape shift so nobody notice.

Morning and it is the last day, i have no where to go atleast my comfy home, well I've never cleaned that home it's been a year.

Everyone is packing there things or some of there stuff but me no i was just looking at them.

Dot: Hey Y/n, you sure you wanted to stay here?

Y/n: Yeah, Im very sure, besides i have no one to meet with.

Hester: Hey, take care okay?

Y/n: You too guys i hope you went to your home safely

We sent our goodbyes and they went to the door, they all left, I was bored and I thought of my self that I need to do my every day routine, take a warm shower first I took if my clothes and washed my self with warm water, I accidentally left the towel in my bed, there's no one there right?, I mean they all left, I thought myself as I went outside of the bathroom, I saw Lesso in my bed holding the towel, when she realize I was there she turned to me with a smirk on her face.

I couldn't do anything i was blushing crazy, I'm standing there very naked.

Y/n: G-Gi-Give me that!

Lesso: Hm why should I?

Y/n: cause that's my towel!

Lesso: Oh you needed this?

Y/n: Yes please! Lesso!

Lesso: Oh i love how you beg for this towel

She said in sexy voice

When i got the courage to walk towards her she stood up, holding the towel very up that i can't even reach it.

Y/n: Oh come on! your so tall!

Lesso: And your short

I scoffed

Y/n: Please Lesso what if someone come inside and saw me clearly naked?!

Lesso: Don't worry I locked the door

Lesso took my wrist and kissed me passionately, I definitely going to kiss back.

We then broke out cause lack of oxygen, she went down to my neck putting a lot of hickeys.

We then here a knock on the door and it was Dovey.

Dovey:Hey Y/n?, It's me Dovey do you have a minute to talk?

Y/n: do you mean right now?, Like in my room?

Dovey: Yes right now, could you please open the door for me?

I looked up to Lesso, she gave me one last kiss and she turned into a cute little mouse.

I changed quickly as possible.

Y/n: Sorry it took long to wait i just got out to the shower.

Dovey: Oh it's fine dear, may I come in?

Y/n: oh, ofcoures come in

I lend her into my room and we sat down at my bed

Dovey: So this is about your Father cause i don't know where Lesso went, soyour Father really wanted to love with you for only one month when you wanted to get back here, Say a spell or read the book again, the spell is named "Come back with me" you just needed to glow yor finger and "say come back with me" it maybe weird but you will get here in your dorm safely, or i just give you a red cloth after you left here.

Y/n: Wow Dovey you could have say that earlier

Dovey: Hah sorry about that but I'm saying all of the students are gone and you are the only student wants to go home with there family.

Y/n: Ok fine, give me a minute to finish some stuff I will be there

And with that, we sent our goodbyes i closed the door, I fell through the ground and started to sob, finally Lesso became to her normal form.

Lesso: Hey baby, baby look at me, If your father did something and somebody tell me that you were in danger I will kill them for you

I chuckled while crying I hugged Lesso very tightly, as I got up, I excuse my self to go to the bathroom, I washed my face so nobody notice that I cried, except for Lesso

I was done and I saw Lady Lesso standing up, "Are you ready?" I only nodded, she lend me an arm and I took it.

As we went to the Grand Hall, Dovey was right, they were they standing up with innocent eyes, my Father and William

William: Good morning Y/n, we have so many things to tell you that we are really really sorry, I know because of me, Father and I wanted you to come to home with us, and we will treat you like you are been treated here, Father and I Promise that you will never be sad, or see you cry, If you wish not to go it's alright we are not trying to force you.

How?, How would I know that I'm going to that place again safely?, I don't want to go but in the same time I wanted it, I just really don't know why it's really weird.

Both of the Dean's were staring at me while I was thinking what is gonna be my answer.

Y/n: I will go, BUT I will just staying there for 1 week.

They both smiled and they hugged me tightly that I couldn't breathe, which i really wanted, hugs they are my favorite hobby to do with everyone, I wanted be more like this, I wanted a happy family like this.

Dovey: Okay! So Y/n, pack your things, and we will prepare the giant birdy

We broke the hugged and I went to my dorm to pack up, just like Dovey said, as I was packing my stuff I saw Lady Lesso looking at me while her she's leaning at the door, so fucking hot.

Lesso:Are you really sure about this?

Y/n: Yes besides it is only one week, but I will miss you though.

Lesso didn't say anything but she walk towards me, she took my waist and we kissed passionately, we heard the stairs that someone is coming, we both broke the kiss and I went to my luggage, i closed it As we saw Dovey she was holding the Red cloth like she said a minute ago

Dovey: Ah lady Lesso, this is for Y/n, if she's in danger she will just use this cloth she just needed to drop it.

Lesso hummed in response, and Dovey gave it to me.

Dovey: Look,if you drop the red cloth you will be here safely okay? No matter where you are you will be still teleprt here.

I nodded and we went to the Grand Hall and as Dovey said the big bird is ready, we sent our goodbyes we will suppose to take of but I made myself let go of the bird, and I hug themselves, while Lesso she whsiper something to me 'Send letters to me Darling, I will miss you, I love you please be safe' I hummed in response so she will know that I'd here it, as I was running towards the bird I took the last look at the two Dean's, "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Dovey said I love you too but Lesso no, but she mounted 'I love you more' and with that the bird has started to fly and we went to our little warn house

Their will be a Part two of this, I wanted to apologize that the fact I've hadn't been postings lot of chapters, it's so sucks that I'm so busy I don't have the time to right, and AGAIN I'm so sorry, thank you for the votes and reading this, I Love you!<33

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