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It's been few days, i was getting pretty lonely and lonely my friends had there own prince, i was surprised the Nevers and the Evers were bonding, and loving eachother.

I sat on my regular spot, and I saw a cute man sat to my opposite side.

Gregor:Hi I'm Gregor! Nice to meet you!

Y/n: Oh hello there Gregor, I'm Y/n.

I smiled at him so innocently

Gregor: So i heard the rumors.. about you and Tedros are siblings...

Y/n: oh really? Well the rumors is true, we are siblings, why do you ask?

Gregor:I- ummm, i like your brother, yes I'm gay and I'm proud of it.

Y/n: Oh really?! Same here! Tell md questions that i will answer.

Gregor: oh okay! What is his favorite color?!

Y/n: Cyan

Gregor: Favorite fish?

Y/n: Beta fish!

Gregor: favorite animal?!

Y/n: Squirrel

Gregor: Favorite ice cream flavor???

Y/n: Chocolate ofcourse!

Gregor: How can i make him look at me??

Y/n: Oh, im not expecting that question

Gregor chuckled

Y/n: You just have to make your move!

Gregor: HOW?!?

Y/n: when we were done to this conversation, let's go to Tedros and I'm going towards him and pretend to push me slightly, and help me, and you know beg for forgiveness and stuff, then you say good morning to Tedros, ans turn back to me to say sorry again

Gregor: okay okay not the bad idea, now Lets do it!

I noded him and i stood up walking gracefully to Tedros, i slightly trip over some stupid thing and Gregor pussed me slightly like the plan was, i feel to the ground with a loud thud, everyone is looking at me like i was going to die or something

Gregor: Omg Y/n?!? Are you okay?!?, Look ik very sorry, I'm very careless at some stuff, I'm really sorry, oh and hi Tedros.

Tedros: Good morning to you to Gregor, and Y/n are you all right?

Y/n: I dont really know, but i think I'm very perfectly fine.

Gregor: Hey Y/n look again I'm very sorry for my stupidity action, i promise it wont happen again.

Tedros lend me a hand and i quickly accept it, Gregor said his goodbye and went off while blushing what just happpened.

Tedros: heh How cute of him

Tedros saying almost a whisper, "you liked him?!" Tedros put his index finger to my lips, "Yes and can you tell me what his type, you know what is his favorites stuff" i nodded w

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