Important Note!

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For all wondering why I haven't post very much I'm sorry,School is the pain in the ass and it's very stressful for people have school like me can relate or no, exams, homeworks and groupings it's very very hard, But I will promise that I will post some chapters and I have another Story but it's not posted yet but I will finnish this first and the other one, thank you for reading and for voting my chapters! It really melts my heart and i get really exited when people voting my chapters and for reading it, the the first chapter of this story that is called 'Childhood' that has 1.14K views/readers I have happy tears when I saw that I'm very grateful that you guys like my Story and Thank you, I mean Very Very thank you guys for reading this...and I love you my Darlings!! <33 keep healthy , happy, and Safe! <333

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