What a mess.

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Lady Lesso started her class and then show them there powers,( my grammar omg)

Lady Lesso: " Hort! What powers do you have?"

Hort: " I can turn my self into a warewolf"

Lady Lesso: " Alright, show me then."

Hort became a warewolf but Lady Lesso isn't supprised.

Lady Lesso: " You are not trying hard, your fur isn't that thick, try more harder, understood?"

Hort: "Yes, Lady Lesso"
Hort was sad because of lady Lesso's words.

Lady Lesso : "How about you Dot."

Dot agreed and her table turned into pure chocolate.

Lady Lesso: "Is it poisoned?"

Dot shook her head slowly, then Lesso turned in to you.

Lady Lesso: "Now, how about you darling, what can you do?"

Y/n: " I don't really know what I can do, but i try."

You then summoned a lot of weapons, turning to the tinted window, then Hester suddenly wanted have a match with you.

Hester: "Lady Lesso, can i have a little match with Y/n?"
Hester asked lady Lesso, Lesso agreed and then they give you both some space to fight, Hester then summond her dragon from her tattoo, then you summoned every weapon you have in mind, you didn't take the first try, you were trying to memorized the movement of your enemy, it just go back and fort, you then have the time to hurt her, you then put in kind the little knife and you were about to stab Hester, but you have second thoughts, you need to hurt the dragon to stop from the fire and the chaos, you then throw the little knife at the dragon then Hester was like going to faint, you were worried so you pulled out the little knife with your powers.

Lady Lesso: "Well done, Y/n."
You then gave her a small smile on your face then you saw Hester was ok, but you didn't feel ok, you were like going to puke, and you feel your nose is going to bleed you then puke in blood, everyone was shock even Lady Lesso too,you then feel your body was going to faint and then you fell into the ground and someone was in the perfect timing to catch you form behide.

A few hours later, you woke up like you were sick, you fond yourself into a strange room, and then you saw Lady Lesso, full with concerned in her face.
"Are you ok?" Lesso said, and i didnt answer, i was so sick, my mind was blank, i puked into the floor with blood, Lesso was very shock, then i fainted again.

Lesso's Pov:

I was very shock when Y/n puked with blood,she fainted again, i carried her in a bridal style, i went to Dovey immediately and asked for help,i explained everything to her, she said that she needs a lot of rest and drink some medicine, i agreed and took some medicine and food, i cleaned my room and i make sure she was comfortable and needed some a lot of rests.

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