Special Talent(1)

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It's been weeks for now, and i feel week... I dont even know why, my own powers are actually powerful enough, i got very bored so i got an idea, a crazy one.

I went to the grand hall, i saw everyone was eating, i ran out, i didn't feel eating, i was sad i don't know why.

So i started to write a little song, with a piano (let's just imagine that there was a piano, and Y/n wrote it even tho it's not original).

'When you try your best, but you don't succeed.

When you get what you want, but not what you need.

When you feel so tired but, you can't sleep.

Stuck in reverse.

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you love someone, but it goes to waste.

Could it be worst?

Lights will guide, you home, and ignite your bones, and i will try to fix you.' (btw if your wondering what song is this is called 'fix you' by Coldplay)

I played it with the piano, i was focusing on the notes in the piano.

After a few minutes i finally got the notes and the lyrics that i wrote.

I play the first notes and the first lyrics, my mood was getting better and better, i sang the song while playing the piano.

The way that i ended i heard a clapping sounds my eyes were widen, i saw, Hester, Dot, Anlid, Hort, and the two deans.

"Wow Y/n, you really very talented." Profesor Dovey said with bright smile on her face.

"Omggg! Y/n! I don't know you have this very  wonderful talent you have in mind!" Dot said while she hugged me tightly.

"Heh... Actually i have lots of more hidden talent than playing the piano." I chuckled weirdly

They all looked at me at shocked.

"Wait, wait, wait there's more?!" Hort said, i laughed, i nodded.

"So, how about you tell me about all your talents, Y/n" Lesso joined in the conversation.

"Well, umm okay."

I'm going to end it here, cause we have a exam today, and Thank you for reading and voting to my story, and please be healthy and safe, I love you all <3

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