Special Event

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When the party was over, me and Tedros were so exhausted, we sang we played, this is the best birthday that I've could ever asked for, i went to my dorm and everyone stared at me


Hester:Hey y/n happy birthday


Analid:Happy birthday~ y/n~

Y/n: aww guysss thank you so much

I hugged them and exused myself and went to bed

The next day

I woke up feeling happy, i will never forget yesterday.

I do my routine and got to the grand hall, when i reached to the grand hall i saw all the stident werent eating looking very disgust in their faces, i looked to the two deans, Dovey had a awkward smile, "I can tell all of you hated it, but the school master said it would be a experiment" They all looked to Lesso, most of them agreed most of them not, "Ah y/n! Good to see you, but we have a ' Special Event ' were the Nevers and the Evers date each other!", Wow just like Rafal said it before.

I pretended to be shocked, "Sooo, whoever you picked?" I asked to Dovey, "Yes! I can really set you up to a date! Of not its okay!"

"Oh umm, sorry im really not interested in that."

"It's ok! It's your choice ik not going to force you!" Dovey gave me a big smile on her face while leaving, and i said good bye to the dean of the school for evil.

I really don't know whats happening to this story, I'm really REALLY REALLY SORRY, I'm been really nervous about my card, and thank you for voting ang reading this story, keep safe and healthy!!! Love you all<3

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