My Fault

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It's been a week now and still resting after the war with Rafal, i felt bad, really felt bad it was my fault but he made the plan but i considered.

Why? Why I'm still alive? Do i really deserve this world?, I've killed two people now because of me, it's my fault now.

"Hi y/n, i hoped you are feeling well today, i like to talked about me and Lesso's relationship, can i come in?" I nodded, i sit up to the nursery bed.

"So it started when you and Lesso did something in that room, well we thought that we played a game, Truth or Dare so i picked dare, one of the teachers said i have to say Lesso for a week, and i have no choice but to say yes, so when she told you that she is very busy like you know the 'dean stuf' that's the time when we were you know, doing some stuff, that's why we called you in the other day, so I'm very so sorry i could've said no because si really dont know that you have a relationship with Lesso." She explained it all.

"Hmmm, it's okay but do you still love her?" I looked at her shocked.

"I- umm no, shes yours now"

"No, i just saw you, enjoying kissing Lesso"

"Huh? How did you know?" She tilted her heas a bit

"I have eyes on you i guess."

"No, literally how?"

"I will explain later."

"Oh ok, can you stand? Let's go to dinner now." I nod she assists me with her hand, we got down and there she is, the most hot, beautiful girl ive ever seen.

"Good morning, Everyone." They all looked at me in shocked that they thought i was dead.

"Good morning, y/n" i nod, i sat to the chaire with all the teachers.

" Well how are you?" Lesso started a conversation.

" I've been fine i guess" i answered her, then we have a conversation.

As i was about to stand up, i saw my father opened the door, 'wow i though he was dead.' i though.

"Y/N! LOOK IM SO SORRY, I KNOW IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!" He begged infront of the teachers and the students.

"Y/n, do you know this person?" Lesso said that she was trying to protect me.

"How could you?" I have to defend myself.

"Y/n, whats happening?"
Dovey asked.

"I want all of you ALL GO BACK TO YOUR DORMS AND WE HAVE A DAY OFF TODAY" Lesso yelled at each students, they stood up and left.

"Y/N JUST GIVE ME ONE CHANCE JUST ONE!" 'wow he can't stop begging till i forgive him'

Y/n: No


Dovey: I don't understand, Y/n who is this man?

Y/n: a man that leave our side, backstabbed us and never even looked behind"

Lesso: so wait, Is that your father?

Father: Y-yes I'm her father

Y/n: a father that is only loved himself.


i scoffed

Y/n: Really? Explain what did you did those years, i lost my own mother when i was eight years old, i burried my mother in that age, i tried reaching you with a letter but no response, i still cared about you even you left, but now i changed, i never looked back anymore.

Now eveyone was looking at me.

Dovey: I'm so sorry that you had an awfully childhood

Father: Yes yes! It's my fault now! I know that I'm sorry.

???: Wow Hi father you did only care about y/n

I know who that really is, Tedros

Father: Tedros! My boy! You look very charming!

My father was trying to get his attention but no

Tedros:Father how dare you to take our life away, we were fighting because of you, remember when i teleported me and y/n to a flat world, yeah it's all Fathers fault, AND we were not giving you an second chance, and we thought you were dead by y/n's mother sickness.

Father: that was all a lie I'm sorry

Y/n: well, who is the third one?

Father: What?

Y/n: You know, we know that you have a third child, who is it then?

Father: oh that, he believed in me, his name is William

Y/n: dang that delivery letter boy?

Father: not just a delivery letter boy, he is actually addopted by me


Dovey: please calm down y/n you might get an heart attack

Lesso: yes listen to Dovey

Y/n: well father i wish you to sent back to the small village

And that he was sent to the small village again

Soo ummm it's me hi! I'm the problem it's me , so umm ive been wondering if this supposed to be happy ending or no? Btw THANK YOU FOR VOTING AND READING THIS BOOK LOVE YOU ALL <3

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