Black Cat

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Rafal teleported to my bathroom i was relieved that nobody is here, 'goodbye Y/n, you did very well!' he said in my head, i nodded, i was about to come outside.

But i saw Dot coming inside with Hort, they were making up, all i hear is Dot's moans, Dang should I stay or should I go out of the window?

"Not bad, Hort" i here Dot say while she chuckle.

I was focusing to my finger to glow, i became a black cat again.

I jumped to a tiny window that i would fit in.

I went to Lady Lesso's office, i jumped and jumped, there it is, her office.

I sat down looking at her at the window, she was doing some paper work, but not the 'dean stuff'.

When she noticed me, i meowed, she come over to me, she opened her window, "Hey there, you lost or no?" I meowed, i didn't even know how to say it to her, she carried me and went to her normal seat she put me to her lap and was scratching my head, i purred because how she scratches my head.

I saw Profesor Dovey, with a smirk on her face, i didn't see her like this, but i know this smirk it's like Dovey wanted to fuck with Lesso, i get it.

"What do you want?" She said in a cold tone.
"You Ofcourse." She wants a kiss from her, i wanted to be mad at her, but i dont want to, because maybe Lesso will throw me out of the window, Dovey was about to sit on Lesso's Lap but i was there, 'HA I WAS FIRST!' I thought myself making me proud at myself, "Oh!! Cutie what do we have here?" Dovey said while picking me up, i wanted to hissed but let's not too.

"Whats her name??" Dovey said while holding me gently.

"Her name is Sabrina." I look at her that i liked the sound of the name, i mean i really like it tho.

"Oh she likes it! How adorable." I purred.

I slept in Dovey's arms.

Hey guys! I reallyy appreciate to the votes and for reading this story and finnaly! WEEKENDS ITS ON THE MOVE MAYBE TOMORROW I CAN POST, but i have a lot of homework, I love you all! <3

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