New Subject

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Those words made my heart flutter, i couldn't believe it, didn't she really meant it?

Y/n:You really meant those words?

Lesso: Yes you idiot, im going to say this once but you made my black soul into a happy one, i fucked up ok?, Im sorry

Wait wait, did the dean of evil just said sorry? Wow.

Y/n:Its okay, i forgive you.

Lesso: Wait what? You sure?, I mean i just hurt you and i still love you with all my hea-

Lesso was about to say heart but i cut her

Y/n: i love you too

I say in almost in a whisper.

Lesso: What was that darling?

Y/n: I love you too!, Okay?! I've been dying to tell you that i fucking love you!

Lesso had her eyes widen.

Lesso: Im so sorry about that.

Y/n: its okay, by the way so we still love eachother, so umm is this official relationship?

Lesso didn't answer for a awhile but she too my waist ans pull it closer our heads were so close i closed my eyes as i can feel my lips to a nother one, it was very passionate kiss, we pulled away for oxygen, i gave a small smile to Lesso.

Lesso: Ive missed your soft lips for a long time

For the first time of my life she smiled at me, but this smile was different from the others.

Lesso: Well darling I have to tell you that we have a new subject, I will explain later how does it works ok?, And i have to go, My love Alright,i see you in lunch

And with that she gave me a kiss on my lips, we pulled away and she excused herself now I'm left alone,I decided myself to go to my dorm and do the rest of my homework.

As i open the door i went to my study table, it was 5 thick books, i have to finnish it before time for lunch.

A minute after minute, I was done, finally i can see my love again, i got up to my chair and went to the door.

I opened the door and i see Tedros, "Sis! Hi, did you hear about the new subject?" Tedros hugged me.

Y/n: Yeah I've heard about it! I wonder what is the name of it.

Tedros: The event is still going, but all i know the due date is still tomorrow, but i think is one of the rules you know, Good defense and Evil attacks, maybe that example would be quite helpful right?

Y/n: Maybe but let's just eat im starving.

Tedros nod and we left my dorm

Its been days and I've hadn't been updating sorry about that but thank you for voting and reading my story! Love you all <3

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