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I went to breakfast, everyone was starting to eat, Analid saw my two cast's in my arm, "Hey
Y/n, what is that in your arm?" She pointed my cast, "Oh, this is actually came up to the dress, but it looks cute right?" She nodded, "Yeah! Really cute." I started eating like everyone, I finished mine, the whole plate as empty, this is my first time to eat all the food in my plate, i waited the three of them to finish, (Analid, Dot and Hester), while i was waiting, i took the letter in my pocket, ' Hi Y/n, how are you doing?, Are you eating well?, Oh by the way, tomorrow there will be a gift, i know it's not your birthday but i wish you'd like it, i love you Y/n, I'm really sorry for taking everything that you need.


I looked up, the three of them are almost finished, "Y/N! Y/N! ANOTHER LETTER FROM YOU!" I saw William finding me, when he found me, he quickly ran into me, everyone is silent when they heard my name, he handed me a box, i opened it, i saw our family picture, the three of us when i was a baby, there were so happy, a happy family, i teared up, Dot is right beside me she read the whole letter and she saw the family picture, she immediately hug me, "Hey, it's alright its ok let it out or not" i look up her tears in my eyes, she wipe them up, i got up everyone is watching me even the Evers, even the teachers and the Deans, "Y/n... I'm so sorry for your lost, and here another letter." William gave me the ketter and i open it up, it was the picture of my mother and my father kissing, they look like they're really in-love with each other, the bottom of the picture says 'A happy Family' i look again in the picture, my mother is pregnant, if there wasn't a note in there i wouldn't notice that my mother is pregnant, i instantly remembered that today is the day of my mother died, i burst out crying, William hug me, i gently pushed him away, i ran out of the grand hall, i went to my dorm, holding my family picture and my parent are kissing, A few minutes later, i stoped crying, i washed my faced, while i was putting light make-up on, i saw the mirror turning red, i saw a face, "Hello Y/n, what going on with you??" I knew it, it was Rafal, "What do you want Rafal?" He laughed "Ohh Y/n, remember what you choose right?, You chose Tedros, over me right?" I  remembered it, i nodded to his question, "Well wait for the event comes." He then disappeared, "Wait what event?!?" I shouted sat him but he was fully gone in the mirror, i got up with full of self confidence, i was walking fast to get to Lady Lesso's class, i opened the door, no one was there even a single student, i looked up to the clock, i heard some heals coming this way i already know who is was, ofcourse it was Lady Lesso, "Well Darling, everyone is waiting for you." I was confused 'wait what? Me? Every one is waiting for me?' thoughts in my mind again, she took my wrist q and we went to the grand hall again, when we got there they all stared at me while the headmaster was looking at me with a small sad at his face, "Ah Y/n, we have something to give from your father." I look at him, i started to tear up again, he gave a me a two small boxes, i open it, i saw a wedding ring, "Look i know you are confused, this is your mother and fathers wedding ring, and we umm all know that today is your mothers death, we are really so sorry for your lost" he was trying to comfort me but i step back, there was a short letter, its from my mother, ' If there is a chance that if we fight eachother, or hate eachother, and our child is crying all over again and again, and leaves us nothing, i will raised my own child if i can do, before i die, i will hug my own child with all my love, for our child.

- Mother

I looked up to the date, it was my birthday, i was crying over and over again, i stand there for a few minutes, my magic starts to draw something my mind was full of emotion of sadness, there was a cloud on top of me, i look up but someone takes my hurt arm, i looked to find Lady Lesso, i saw the cloud is turning purple ish, the headmaster was about to stand in the cloud, i instantly feel my magic, that i was drawing a sword not just a sword a sword that is glowing, i immediately grab his wrist in the perfect timing, "I'm so sorry, it's my fault!,I'm sorry!"

I sob harder and harder, i ran out to the grand hall i didn't went to my Dorm or in Lady Lesso's office, i went to a big window, opened it, the climb was impossible, I used my powers, i designed swords into a ladder, i climbed up unto the to if the roof, i make my sword vanised, i stayed, it look beautiful how much is the view was so fresh. 

It's been a few hours and the sun was setting, i couldn't do anything but to make a small smile, the air is fresh and the view was really really beautiful, I stood up i saw an Raven coming up to me, it was Rafal, i glared at him, "Awww poor Y/n, crying over a family, HUHUHU!" He was mocking me, I summoned a Excalibur in my head, i put it to my hand, i swing my sword to his chest, his chest was bleeding nonstop, his powers are very powerful bit his body no, his body is so weak that he needed to get away from me, he turned into a raven again and he was long gone.

It was fully midnight, i fell into the roof o screamed, i fell into someone's arms,(in a bridal style ofc) it was Lady Lesso, "Darling we've been looking for you everywhere even in the Evers School, where have you've been?" She raised her left eyebrow, "I umm i went to the roof... With my powers" i answered her, she gently put me down to the ground, "By the way, why did you say sorry to the headmaster?  Everyone is questioning that." "I said sorry because, i was the one who is creating the magic inside the cloud, i almost killed the headmaster." I explained to her, "Lets go to my office to make you feel better, alright?" I nodded, "Words Darling." "Yes Lady Lesso."

This is my first time to write this so long, 1,000 plus words, and again thank you for the votes! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!, STAY HEALTHY AND SAFE!

Love you all <3

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