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The class was starting and you saw Lady Lesso, picking up some paper, she gives the paper with a lot of questions, each one student has one,
"Alright for now on i would like you to all have a quiz, this will be a hard, use your brain, i don't want any noise, i will give you a hour, and NO COPYING UNDERSTAND?" they all nodded, I was so scared maybe i will not pass this quiz, i put my name on and using my brain

One hour later

My hands were shaking like crazy, i was to dumb for this, i wasn't even prepared or what, i check my answers and give it to Lady Lesso, and the class is done, I went to the library and read every single book, and i notice that i will only have a 20 percent of having a grade, I'm so done, I want to be 100 percent so i can be proud at myself, i wanted to see my mother is so proud at me, i wanted to be smart enough, I shake my head and went to my dorm holding 5 books, I was crying, i know that i will be the low grade in class, i didn't make my family to be proud at me, what I am?, I am useless?, Did my parents  hated me to see that i failed?, I am helping myself?, Will they all laugh at me because i get the lowest grade at class?, Will i ever be good enough for my own family?, Did anyone understand me?, that i was failing every step of my life?, Did anyone love me for being a failure?, Am I just a piece of trash in the bin crumpled up?, I started crying and crying, thoughts in my way, i got up to and went straight to the balcony, I opened the door standing there i climb to the edge of the balcony and stand on it, "Well i guess i die in this way, but who cares no one even love me, im just a useless piece of trash." I spoked to my self i then let my body to fall, but somebody caught me in the right timing, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!? WASTING YOUR LIFE?!?" I saw Lady Lesso and was waiting me for to answer my question, i look at her eyes and started crying, " I- uh wa-wanted to di-die this way... A-and who ca-cares? N-no one e-even lo-love me or like me." I was stuttering, I then burst out crying and looking at the ground and want to die, "I care about you, your friends love you, and your family too, and i love you as well, your friends cared about you, and they loved you Y/n, so please don't waste your life." She said, "i have atychiphobia." Lady Lesso, tilted her head slowly "And what is that mean?" She questioned "It means Fear of failure, because i wanted to suicide i know that i failed the quiz, i only have 20 percent out of 100 percent, i failed, I'm sorry." I apologize to her, "There is no to say sorry for that, Y/n i know you tried, i saw you reviewing your answers again and again, i know the quiz is really hard, it's ok you only have 20 percent, you tried and thats it, when you know you failed, review your mistakes and choose the right answer." I sat on then floor and still crying, she sat on the floor as well, and she hug me, her body is really warm, i can't break it cause it so warm, she then break it, when she heard a noise, it was Analid, Hester, and Dot.

"Y/N WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOT INTO YOU?!?" Analid said with a concerned voice, i explained every single word to them, Lady Lesso spoke and we listened, "Alright now, we need to eat." She said in a serious tone, i got up and went to the grand hall

Hi guys, thank you for the votes! I had a happy smile at my face, when i saw it, THANK YOU FOR READING! ❤️

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