Feeling Better

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I woke up again and it was completely middle of the night you saw Lady Lesson at her table doing paperwork, I stared at her for a few seconds and went to back to sleep, 30 minutes later I can't even sleep because you never feel this way this is my first time to feel this way, Lady Lesso isn't evil at all she is kind and concerned to all of her students, then I stand up and she gives me a questioning face that what I need, when I straight to the bathroom she then followed me to the bathroom, I then puked thankfully it wasn't blood anymore it was just I ate Earlier, Lady Lesso went in and said, "Are you alright?, Do you need anything?" I shake your head and got up feeling Dizzy again you, I then fell into Lady Lesso's arms, you quickly stand up straight and get to her bed.

The Next Day

I woke up feeling better like not better like really really better, I then stood up, ' finnaly no more dizziness' I thought myself,I saw Lady Lesso sleeping quitly she's really hot even tho she's sleeping, I thought myself for these days, i felt bad for Lady Lesso, cause she's always by my side like literally, I then clean up her bed and gently, carefully put her into her bed, I then put her blanket on top of her and i give her a kiss in the forehead, I walked over the door and saw Lady Lesso's room for a few seconds and thought of cleaning it, but I have second thoughts that maybe she will get mad at me or yell at me for why i cleaned her room up, so I just pick up all the paperwork orderly I sweep the floor and do some things that i can do just to clean a bit of her room, then I take a quick look at her desk and get out of her room.

I then burst through my dorm, i thought no one was there but i was wrong, i saw Hester and Analid making out, my eyes widen and i was so shocked like damn, i wish me and Lesso are like that, i though it myself, there eyes were widen to but so much more than mine, I then close the door emindiently, "Soooo congrats to your relationship, i hope you guys stay longer as possible." I say in a awkward tone,"Hehehe.... By the way Y/n are you okay?" Hester change the subject, you then nod you head, "Sooo ummm... I will you know take a quick shower and change my clothes and you love birds can continue." I'd  say and went to the shower as fast, 5 minutes later i was done my shower it was really refreshing, i then get my clothes with a normal style, When i was going towards the door, Analid  gently took my hand and say " Y/n, so me and Hester to give you two questions" I nodded at the two of them waiting for their two questions " So basically Do you support us?" Analod say in scared face " Ofcourse I support you both! Why wouldn't I?" They sigh in relief then Hester say the second question,
"Y/n are you like umm one of us?" She asked you, "Yes! But i don't think she will like me back." Analid shook her head " Noooo Y/n I'm very sure she will like you like i like Hester" Hester Agreed, I smiled at them and close the door leaving the two lovebirds, i went straight to the grand hall, everyone is eating, I saw Lady Lesso is eating as well, I gave her a soft smile and went to the table and eat quitly, I saw the two lovebirds holding hands, "Aww How cute are you both two." I gave them a cheeky grin, when I saw a hickey in Analid's neck, I only take a few bites, then I stand up, I saw the boy again, the one who give the letter to me, he then shouting my name a few times
"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! You have a letter!" I then look at him while I was standing, he then rushed to me and give me the letter, he was about to walk out but i tap his shoulder, " Hi there, I was wondering, how do you get these letters?" I asked, "Oh, well the birds are the one who is going to deliver all the letters,oh and by the way I'm William." He lend a handshake and i shake his hand, then he ran away like a child, it's cute, lunch is over and I get away through the main hall and get to the next lesson, Lady Lesso's Lesson, I put the letter to my left pocket, I went straight to Lady Lesso's Classroom, and finnaly I wasn't late, I take my seat, and the lesson is starting.

Hi guys... Sorry for not posting and for the short stories, I promise i will make it longer,( if i could) but anyways Merry Christmas!!

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