Part two

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Tedros POV

I saw my big sister passed out,"Y/N, PLEASE NO! DONT DIE YET! PLEASE!" I was so worried, i then teleported to my dorm luckily there's nobody in the room, I laid my big sister in my bed and started to find some emergency kit, I saw it in the corner i quickly took it, i ran to my big sister, i put some alcohol, and badge, i cried silent so nobody can here me, i felt someone patting my head, i looked up and saw it was Y/n, putting a small smile on her face.

Y/n's POV

I saw Tedros crying but so silent, I patted his head, he look up to me, i put a small smile in my face, "Y/N, OMG! YOUR ALIVE!" He shouted, i put my index finger in his lips, "Shhh,we have to be quiet or you will be literally send straight to the doom room" i said, he nodded "So how's the wound?" He asked, "Getting better i guess." I said to him,  a few minutes later someone burst into the door, we saw Lady Lesso, she wasn't angry she was raging mad, she looked at me lying in my bed, she look up to Tedros, she quickly get infront of him, "I FOUND HIM!, HES IN HIS DORM!" She shouted, we saw Profesor Dovey, went inside quickly, she look at me with a concerned look at her face, "Omg Y/n! What happened to you?!" She was so shock when she saw the wound on my stomach, Lady Lesso took Tedros away from my side, he then nodded, i was confused for a second and then i realized what he was trying to say to me, 'It's ok Y/n, you can tell every single word but not about our dad, you will say that, i hit you with my sword, and the arrow, and I'm sorry' he spoke to my head, i was shock, 'this man has so many tricks in his head' i thought in myself, "So Y/n what exactly, happened to you?, when you and Tedros Teleported into something that is very flat world" Dovey said, I was about to answer Dovey's question but then Lady Lesso arrived, "Tedros said Y/n will explain everything" she said while walking towards me, "So this is the explanation, He shot me an a arrow, then he uses his sword, luckily i was able to dodge it, we didn't fight in their we talked about something..." I look down that how was i able to explain?, "Something? About what exactly?" Lady Lesso raised one eyebrow on her face, "Something about,the book, he stole the book in the library, i saw him when he took the book, the tittle was 'The book of spells' I think that the tittle, he didn't even asked if that was available, Professor Dovey was shock, "That Book is banned" she then realize the teleportation device, "Oh i get it he used the book and spell some magical words then he got this teleportation device." Lady Lesson said, I slowly sit up then I stand up to the bed,. The two deans was about to talk, but they then sa the book, it was under Tedros bed, i then took the book, when i open a single page, i saw my baby picture and my face today, i was shock, how did he took this photo? Is this in my town or what? I thought at my self, "This is my baby picture, and myself now..." I said, "Wait, Where is Tedros?" I asked Lady Lesso, "He's in the doom room, why?" I up Professor Dovey, we made eye contact for a few minutes, 'If Tedros can do teleport everywhere, but does he know how to control it?' I thought myself, "Professor Dovey, can i borrow the book?" She nodded and she give me the book, i sat down at the bed, i saw there's a envelop, i opened it, it was my father's handwriting, 'Tedros I wanted to say that I'm sorry for leaving nothing and took everything that you needed' I was biting my lip for not trying to cry, thankfully i controlled my facial expression, i closed the book and hand it to Professor Dovey, "Thank you, Professor Dovey." I said with a small smile, Dovey smiled as well but a bigger smile, i stand up and reaching through the door, bit Lady Lesso assisted me for opening to the door, we walked out and went to the bridge, i went to the School for Evil, i was about to go to my dorm but Lady Lesso catch my wrist, i look up to her, she went closer, my heart was beating faster and faster, "Tomorrow meat me in my office ok?" I nodded, "Words darling" she said "Yes, Lady Lesso." She then let me go, i went straight back to my dorm, and went back to sleep.

Hi guys! I was taking my tasks around the house, but don't worry! I'm almost done!

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