Making You Happy

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I woke up, I'm still a black cat but it's really a good nap, i saw Lesso and Dovey kissing again they didn't notice me, i jump up to the couch and i landed perfectly to Lesso's table, i looked at them they are sort kinda cute couple, 'wait y/n seriously!? Get out of your mind' i meowed at myself making the two deans looked at me.

"Shhhh, we are having good moment here Sabrina you can sleep or whatever do you want." Dovey said, and she continued the kissed.

I turned my head to the window it was open so i have no choice but to go outside that hearing Dovey's moan, i jumped out, and went to the school for good.

I went to the dungeon and turned into my normal style.

"So i can summon anything i want in my mind, so how about this is will be my second home." I said to my self, i got to work.

For a few minutes later, the little dungeon was my little new cozy home, like really cozy as much as i like to be, I get to the bed which is very comfy.

I saw Rafal's amazement face, "Wow Y/n, it's really so super cozy in here, so umm... May i stay in here, i mean you can have the bed! I take the couch." I laughed at him, he was confused.

"Silly! This is for you! I made it myself, is it beautiful?" I asked.

"What do you mean beautiful, it's really cozy not to girly, you know what I'm saying, and i like it, no i love it!, Thank you for being the best gay friend ever!" I even laugh harder for the last sentence.

"Thank you Rafal, can i get a hug? For your gay bestfriend?"

"Sure! Anything, i really love this place Y/n, thank you very much." He hugged you very tight which I really wanted.

He broke the hug, "Y/n i don't even no else to say to you, i mean I'm very great full and so happy that you gave me all this!, How can I ever repay you?"

"Well actually, you were the first one to do it, because you gave me all your power, you were there when i was sad, you listened to me what are my problems, you helped me, that how to control my powers, and most importantly, Thank you for being such a good friend of mine." I said with a tear in my eye.

"Awww Y/n your making me cry stop" i chuckled

"Oh come on, how about i call you 'Raffy' if you don't want its fine."


"Oh sure no problem Raffy!"


We talked and talked, but someone off our guard we hear a familiar voice we panicked

"Hi guys it's just me, Tedros" i sigh in relief thank god i thought it was Lesso or Dovey maybe.

"OMG, this place is so cozy and beautifullll."

"Glad you liked it" i smiled at him.

"Wait, did you mean you did all of this?!, Omg you are talented making this dungeon looking so cozy and warm in here, i like it maybe i think i stay in here." I nodded in agreement, but Tedros saw Rafal here, 'oh shit this place is about to go to war', he pulled out his sword.

"Hey hey! Tedros listen to me now, i know what you think that I'm crazy, but he's a nice person, i promise."

"No Y/n i don't want to cause you any trouble now."

"Tedros please listen to me now, listen to your big sister ok?"

"Okay" he nodded in agreement.

"Good, then i explain everything i promise, but please let us sit down." The two boys nodded, they sit in a couch, which they fit in, i explained every single word even Lesso, he hugged me tightly.

"It's ok Y/n, you will find someone even better, i just know that."

"Thank you Tedros, you to as well." I winked at him, and looked to Rafal.

"Well Rafal, i see you given your power to my sister, i appreciate that, how about let's strat over, Friends?" He said while he was leading him an handshake.

"Friends, Ofcourse!" He took the handshake while me sitting in the bed, i wanted to get more sleep so i slept.

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