Happy Valentines Day

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Today is the day, the last day of the Nevers and the Evers, 'Special Event' and it's Valentines Day

I'm really sure that Tedros will be giving lots of Flowers by Princesses cause he is very charming, I'm really the opposite of him, i don't think i will have a Valentine's gift today, Maybe i don't know.

It was breakfast, and my thoughts are right, Tedros gave me a help sign to carry all the flowers, and as a big sister i helped my little brother, we got to his dorm and place down at his bed, i was about to exit his dorm, but he tapped my shoulder, when I looked at him he gave me a beautiful white rose, "I know you don't have a Valentine, but here's a white rose for you."
"Thank you, Tedros actually you are the first one who really gave me a single flower."

"You deserve one now, and I'm very hungry let's go to the Grand Hall!" He shouted like a little boy.

As we went to the grand hall , we sat opposite sides, we ate our breakfast, I about to stand up, but I saw Tedros holding something really big, my eyes are widen when it hit me, a bouquet, my jaw hit the ground

Y/n: Tedros! you dont have to give me a bouquet! this is to much!

Tedros: I swear this isn't mine!, It just in my hands!

Tedros gave me the bouquet, my favorite flowers they're are just gorgeous and smell Wonderful.

I wonder who really gave gave it to me.

I got up and sent my goodbyes i went to my dorm my surprise i saw Lady Lesso

Y/n: Oh Lady Lesso what a special surprise.

Lesso: Do you like it?

Y/n: Hm?

I was confused for a second but, i remember i was holding the bouquet

Y/n: Wait!, Did you gave me this to me?

Lesso nodded, and I was very happy, I closed the door behind me and I gave a big hug to my love.

Y/n: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Lesso: Your always welcome my dear.

And with that i break the hug and kiss her passionately, eventually she kissed back and this is the best Valentines day i've ever had.

HAPPY (BELATED) VALENTINES DAYY, sooo im sorry for slow the update, yes I'm very VERY busy in my life and i hope you understand, thank you and please stay healthy, happy and safe always!
I love you!<3

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