In The Bed Again

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Y/n's POV

I woke up in my bed no, in our shared bed with my lovely girlfriend, I was having this swirly eyesight when I got up I fell right into the floor I was damn lazy to get up.

A minute later I heard a door creak, when I saw who it was  the love of my life, Of course Lady Lesso, "Oh Darling why are you on the floor?", She asked worriedly, "I fell and being a lazy person I can't get up", which is basically true, "Oh my poor baby, come on I got your favorite soup", she helped me up to our bed, She gave me a bowl of soup, "If you stay a week it will be fine to me, I just wanted to make sure that your okay", Oh those words melt my heart, I gave a her a weak smile.

The soup was great a little but I soonly got the hang of the taste.

"I miss youuu" I said whining up to her, "Oh my Darling I miss you more", she said in a sudduce way, she kissed me in the lips, the kiss was dominating but soft at the same time, I whined because my vision was blurry, she stopped the kiss as she realizes that I'm not kissing her back, "Are you alright Darling?" She said with pure worry in her tone, "No, I- my head is like going about to explode and my vision is very blurry", I whined again, Lesso was worried sick so, she cuddled me like I was a teddy bear, she spoke with pure care and love, My heart was so melted at the words she gave me, right before then, I fell asleep in her arms.

In the morning, again no one was with me, no one kissed me in the morning, as usual nobody said good morning to me and currently the one I always needed is a huge Hug or a cuddle in our shared bed, it was frantically boring in the bed, so I casually take a warm well a hot shower, it was so good, it was a little bit painful but everyone knows I love pain especially in bed..., Oops, carry on.

It took me an hour to pick my clothes cause I have plenty of time and I'm going to waste cause why not, I'm bored and My girlfriend is busy, so I'm just gonna read a book, you know 'Curses and Deathtraps' it's one of my most of favorites, even tho this is a past lesson I still wanted to read it, I sat down at the couch near to the window

When somebody inturrupted me from reading the book in my hands, I saw Lady Lesso, "Oh Darling you need some rest I know your very bored right now you can read whatever you want but you cant stand up, here let me help you." When she was about to carry me, she smell at my hair, "Have you gotten a hot shower my dearie?", DEARIE oh god that nickname literally sent butterflies on my stomach.

"Yes, I did...", There was a silence between us, "I'm sorry please don't hate me", When I say 'hate' she looked at me in shock, "I would never ever Hate you in my entire life!, Not even once", she responded with a full of concern and yet again love~, "And you need to tell me that you need a shower my love, you could have been fainted during your shower"

She helped me up and went to our shared bed, "Good night my Love, I will be right here", "Good night to you too, Nora", and with that I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Hi, Yes I'm still alive and well, When I upload a chapter in this story, in the next few days I will upload another chapter in the other story lolz but anyways THANK YOUUU AND TAKE CAREE <33333

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