Something Evil

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I woke up again, 'did i just missed breakfast?' i though myself, i got up and do my routine, i went to the uglyfication class even tho it's boring, and i have no other choice.

After 2 hours of the lesson, i got up and went to the grand hall for lunch.

'Wait, I'm not even that hungry, should I eat or should I not?' i thought, so i decided to not to eat i wasn't even hungry after all, i sneakily went to the school for good using my invisibility powers so the guards won't notice me, i went to the dungeon and saw Rafal was eating the pasta that i gave him before, "Hey Raffy, sorry for bothering you but is the pasta good?" I questioned him, "Y/n i have no words, but this!your cooking is very delicious very much! I wish you can cook more for me...' he pouted, i chuckle, "ok ok, i will cook something delicious tomorrow."

"YAAYYY, by the way why are you here?"

"Im bored today, no homework, no activities to do and no one to talk to with, except for you." I answered him honestly.

"Oh ok, do you want to do something evil~"

"Ohhhhhhh ok!" I said excitedly, with a big smile on my face

"Ok, ok how about I'm going to like get you and not to try to Evil win." He smirked

"Wait wait wait, so umm did you mean that you are going to capture me, and  pretend that you wanted to make Evil win?" He nodded

"BINGO MY BESTIE IS A GENIUS!!" I laughed at him.

"ok ok whats the plan?" I asked.

"Ok, go back to the school for evil and don't eat, but i bring you food as a cat, and cut your hair (I'm sorry if you have short hair) then makeup and walk like a bad bitch like you own the both schools, if they are confused, that's a good thing, i will be giving you my powers not all and cook something that is you eat everyday put some sleeping potion on the food, even the Evers, the teachers and the two deans they didn't have the same food, so that's a good thing about it, when all the Nevers and the Evers fall asleep and you stood up walking towards them and i will use you for changing your voice into a deep one very deep, and you say 'I will kill you all, all of you!!' and make a smirk on your face, if they stood up, you will turn into a cat so they know that you were the cat all long, then run and go to the tower i meet you there and we kiss not a real one tho! Im gay for your hot brother!" I laughed.

"Ok ok so we start know?" He nodded, then i teleported back to the dorm.

Hi guys! Im in school rn hahahaha, and my classmates have no idea that i was writing a story cause I'm such a lazy person, but anyway thank you fro reading this and for the votes, love you all<3

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