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Finally. Yes I'm well again!, I just can't imagine, it's been weeks in my bed now I have to get of this bed!.

Since I'm awake I notice that my Girlfriend was still sleeping peacefully, even when she sleeps she's hot, but if I tell this to anyone that she sleeps like this would I still be alive?, It's a big no no of course.

"Staring at someone while sleeping it's bad honey", shit that pet name, I became red as a potato, she chuckled a bit and hug me close to her we cuddled for a while.

It's been two or more minutes and we are still cuddling, "Babe, you have classes-" I was cut of by her, "and you too" she said, I mean, well yeah I have class, "oh forgot, but I'm the new Headmaster anyways", Im still in our bed while my Girlfriend Lesso was fully dress, "Come on", she tried to pull me but I was very very lazy person, when she gave up, I was drop in the bed again, there was a little moan escape from my lips, I love pain, Lesso look at me, she come to me and kiss me in the lips it was roughly but passionatly, the kiss was brilliant, but we have to separate because if the lack of air, I was catching my breath but suddenly she kissed me again with a hungerly mouth, the kiss was dominating, her hands were all over my body, touching me teasing me, I was moaning every touch she made.

But unfortunately we had to stop because she was late for her first class and I'm late to my class like Lesso, "Let's continue this later, you agree with that?", I was blushing like I was being a volcano, I nodded and she left me a goodbye kiss on my cheek, and then she left me, but I have to still get ready.

I got a shower, fix my hair, some normal things I do in the morning, I decided to skip lunch because I was late, and I have to finish an assignment, and I didn't notice the time, so who's fault? Not me, I dont know.

When the door is opened I saw my girlfriend holding a plate full of fruits, how sweet she is, "You didn't go to lunch what's wrong?", Ohhh A caring girlfriend activated here, just kidding, "I had this assignment that I didn't finish and i wanted to finish it, thank you for bringing me lunch", I look at her and smile, "You don't have do to that, may I help you?", She ask calmly, "Of course my love, thank you for taking care of me, I owe you a lot", I said with a smile on my face, "Oh Darling just seeing you makes my world complete again, I love you" she kissed me, and I absolutely kissed back oh that kiss is just so soft, sadly our kiss didn't last longer because of the lack of oxygen, until one day...

I swear guys I love you so much and thank you for everything, I'm alright I'm sorry for the late updates 😭

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