Having so much Fun

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I began to stand up because everyone Finnish eating, I'm still avoiding Lesson since i saw Dovey and her were having fun in the school for good, I burst to my dorm but the wolves pushed me away making me to leave my dorm, "WHAT THE HELL!? I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING WRONG?!?" Obviously the wolf guards ignore me, we were getting to the bridge, 'Are we going to the school for good?' i though my self, they took to proffers Office, which is Dovey i knock foe having a little respect cause why not, and when the door was open i saw Lesso was there 'OH HELL SHIT, NAH, IM GOING BACK TO HELL.'

My eyes were widen up when i saw Lady Lesso,
"So Y/n, Lesso told me that you were together."

"Wait what? Since when?, I didn't know that we were together, i just know that she basically fucked me and saw the dean of the school for good is literly with Lady Leonora Lesso." I saw her full name and i wanted her to remember that i confessed her before in her office.

"Wait, how did you know the first name of the dean of the school for evil?"

"Pfft easy... Ummm... Uh well, ok fine! After we fucked up i basically cleaned her room a bit, i saw her full name on her paper so that's it." I lied, Rafal actually told me.

"Oh, really?" I look at Lesso, dang she even hot tho.

"Umm ok, Did you tell anybody about this?" How the hell in going to say this, i just only tell it to my friend Rafal but i have to lie about this.

"Yeah, but don't worry she is dead right now." I looked down and just playing with my fingers.

"Well may i tell who is she?" I wanted to say it but no.

"I'm so sorry but it's not your business." I tear fell down to my cheek.

"Well it's my business in your dean, Y/n." Lesso join in to our chat.

"I SAID IT NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I cried, i stand up and got to the door, i went straight to the dungeon again, and closed the door behind me, i sat down and saw Rafal again.

'did you get Deja Vu?' he hugged me tightly which made me feel safe his body was warm but Lesso's was the warmest, "Hey it's ok, let it out." And i did.

Its been ten minutes and  just stand up which made the hug broke, "Look i don't know how to cheer a person but, let's practice your powers.

I smiled, i was exited, "Now, i wanted to know how does your finger glow?" He asked, "i really don't know..."

"It's fine, it's just whats make you feel happy."

"Oh, ok! I try." I focused what makes me happy, and my finger glow.

"Oh my god! My finger! It's glowing!" I said it amazed face.

"Well done Y/n! So now i wanted you to think an animal any kinds in your head."

'well then ok, an giraffe, cat, dog, bird, etc.' 

"Ok you are doing the right thing just keep saying those words and concentrate." I did what i was told.

I then turned into a black cat, Rafal was very impressed.

"Good job! You did it!" He said while picking me up.

"Ok now use your powers while being a black cat, just try." I nodded as an agreement.

I jumped up, and think of an object that is comfy, i immediately think of a couch, the couch was small but it was a perfect fit, i jumped to it and i land on it.

"Oh wow! Y/n i have no words to say! You really did a good great Job!" I turned into my normal self and I was full of my joy in my face.

Hi guyssssss, ummm i have no words, but i saw my notifications are going wild, thank you for the votes, on every page of my story! Love you all stay safe and healthy! <3

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