Come Back With Me (2)

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As we are Infront of my little cozy home, Father opened the door for for me, I was surprised that my cozy home was clean.

Father: Umm Y/n have you any chance that you know my name?

I looked at him, i don't know how to answer, how about i do it the right way to answer? Yeah I will just do that.

Y/n: No, sorry father, i just known you by calling you Father

Father: It's okay Y/n, I understand, by the way, my name is Fedrick, some people  call me Erick you can call me that or Father and Dad, if you okay with it

Oh... Fedrick a nice name I guess, but I liked him calling 'Dad'

Y/n: Okay Dad, Your name fits you

I gave him a soft smile on my face


Morning, I got up thinking what is my daily routine in this little cozy home, I'm trying to remember what are my everyday routine in this home.

I started to was my body as usual, I brush my teeth, I put some light make up that I took it from the School for Evil, I put comfy clothes to make my body comfortable.

I went downstairs and saw the table was full of delicious food.

William: Good Morning Y/n!, Come sit down to the table and we wait for dad, so we can eat together.

As he said, I sat down to the chair.

Y/n: Good morning to you too William, tell me how old are you?

William: Oh I'm barely 14 turning 15 tomorrow.

I was surprised, he can deliver those letters.

Y/n: Aren't you scared, that maybe the big flying birds can possibly get to kill you?

Okay Y/n that was a little bit harsh of your attitude.

William:No, Dad thought me how to fight, like a sword fight, fist fight and a lot more how to survive in your own.

Wow, didn't expect that, Dad really teach him everything, I wish he can do it to me, I know deep down I still love him, but there's something else.

We saw Dad carrying a big box tool.

Dad: Alright Kids, let's eat!

He said smiling, we talked, laugh, sharing what hobbies, it was a simple joyful family like a dreamed before.

When we finnish our food I got up get our plates and I'm washing the dishes, while William was cleaning the shelves, and Dad was fixing something to the little cozy house.

And one plate and it's done, I asked my Dad that if I could go outside if I can remember something, he eventually nodded, I took my cardigan,ink pen and paper and then I went outside.

The wind was fresh, I still remember where was I was taken, This big tree, i sat on it, i wrote a letter for Professor Dovey, and for Lady Lesso.

It was almost 5:00 PM I didn't realize I wrote an whole paragraph for the both Dean's and I saw a Dove flying towards me, I looked at it very very carefully, Oh it was Dovey, the Dove pointed the letter while using her been, I took it, and there were two letters, one for Lesso and one for Dovey, the dove was about to go, but i stopped it by the right timing, I gave their letter and it flew of.

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