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It's been a few weeks since Me and Lady Lesso have a secret relationship, i went to the grand hall to eat breakfast, i ate with my friends, i got suspicious  to my love, Lesso she said shes been busy all day doing paperwork and some ' dean stuff ' i was sad so i avoid her, we only made eye contact, 'is she just using me?' my though in my head wanted me to scream at her and i don't know why, i I finished eating and i quickly went to my dorm, i changed my clothes, I quickly and quietly when to the bridge and when to the school for good,I was able to invisible myself using my powers,I went to Professor Dovey's office and finding Lady Lesso and professor Dovey kissing each other like they are doing sex, "Oh, I'm so so sorry for disturbing and not knocking to your door, promise i won't tell anybody." I quickly close the door and went to the dungeon, in the school for good, i silently cried, 'did she just use me? Did she just fuck me to help herself from dovey?' i was overthinking 'what I have done? Is she mad at me for avoiding me' I close the door and i sat down at the floor, knowing what should I do, I then saw Rafal is literally standing right infront of me, he sat down and hugged me, "Why are you being nice to me?" I whisper at his ear, "in so sorry Y/n i felt the same way."

"what?" 'he felt the same way?'

"Yes, but it's not lesso its from the old days, his friend was always beside him and he understand him, they became a couple, and now they had a kid, but there child is not here anymore." He explained

"Oh poor you, wait are you like umm gay?" He broke the hug.

"Well of course, and im so gay for your brother"

"Speaking of my brother, what do you mean special event? I know for tomorrow is the two line up thingy."

"Yes, for tomorrow the finger glow, they have two keys, one is for good and one for evil, and the special event is for a few weeks, the special event is very new."

"Wait what, so do you mean the special event just a fun part?" I asked

" I dont really know, but it like a the Evers and the Nevers are going to date eachother."

"Wait hold on, date eachother? How that is going to be possible? They literally fight every day."

"I know they literally do food Fight and stuff but i know they going to be pretty well, oh and the time know is Lady Lesso's class."

"Oh shit yeah, but i wanted stop skip it my heart is still reviving, but thanks to you that you made me feel a little better." I made a soft smile on my face.

"Well that's good to hear, but may i asked you a question that i don't know if you going to say yes or no." I nodded at him.

"Well.. um let's be friends if you want, i know that I'm evil and i want to make evil to win this year, but i think i wasn't able to be strong enough, and i have give up, i was a ke to escape ng powers so, i gave it to someone else." He was staring at me.

"Wait, so your saying is that you gave me you powers?!" I was so shocke but why me tho

"Yes you, i chose you because you have a sad childhood, have a good heart, you are strong and brave woman."

"Ok, that made me tera up a little bit, no one have ever said that to me."

"Oh, my question you didn't answer it." She slowly look down at his arms.

"Ofcourse i be your friend!" I hugged him and he hug back, we chatted for hours until we are both hungry.

"Well i guess is time for to eat then." I said, Rafal nodded and we teleported to my dorm.

"Dang, that was fast." I was surprised.

"Ok, Y/n see you tomorrow i guess, goodbye." Then he turn into a raven.

"Bye bye Rafal, see you tomorrow too."

I took a quick shower, change my clothe, put some light make-up and then i go to the grand hall, i ate the whole food which made me burp quietly, "Y/N! ANOTHER PRESENT FOR YOU!" what the hell another one? William gave me a huge box, like a present, i open it up and it was my mother's ashes, "Why the hell i don't know where to burry my mother's ashes."

"Same to the other world, but i think its the best if here when your mother is burried, and I'm so sorry." I quickly close the box and carry it.

"Come to my dorm, William i need your help."

"Me? Oh ok." We went to my dorm and put in on my bed side.

"So, where is my father's ashes?" I asked

"Well, your father's ashes is no where to be found, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I said in a cold tone. William hugged me and left me, I then remembered Tedros.
I went to the grand hall and saw Tedros having an eye contact with me,
'Hi, big sissyyy i miss youu', he said in my head, ' i miss you as well lil brotha' i smiled at him and he gave me a smile back.

Hi guys! I dont really know what to post next, please help me, and thank you again for the votes and foe reading this and i love you all so much have a good day/night!!!

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