Food Fight (plus Chaos)

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I calmed myself for a few seconds and went to the grand hall, we saw the Nevers and Evers are picking up a food Fight, Profesor Dovey can't stop the food Fighting, from the Nevers and the Evers,"STOP THIS NONSENSE! OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU ALL WILL GONNA REGRET THAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING TODAY!" Lady Lesso shouted and every student was shutting there mouth, it was dead ass silent, it was like there no one in the grand hall, "Get into your dorm right now and clean yourselves!" Dovey said and the Evers did what Dovey told, and Lady Lesso said it as well, All the students went back to their dorms while the 5 of us look shock, we seated to our table and we ate peacefully, 10 minutes later we saw all the students are clean and their dresses as well , I got up and have the time to finnaly got to read the letter, when i was about to open the letter i saw an arrow coming towards me, it was so fast, that I didn't dodge in the right time, blood everywhere in my dress, i saw Tedros having a smirk on his face, he uses his Excalibur to hurt me even more, i thought he was just using his sword but no, he used a teleportation device, we teleported at the same time, just the two of us, i hissed in pain 'Fuck, didn't expect that'  I thought myself i shake my head and turned back to reality, Tedros eye are raging mad at me like i was a murderer or something, "What the fuck are you doing to me?" I question, "ha! Lies Y/n lies, i know you know about this situation, but i think you are playing games at me." My mind is blank 'What does he ment?" I thought myself, "I'm sorry what?" I questioned again to him, " OH DONT BE RIDICULOUS Y/N! YOU KNOW WHAT I SAID!" He yelled at me, " OH DO YOU THINK I HAVE KNOWN WHAT IS GOING ON AND WHY DID YOU SHOOT AN ARROW AT ME?!?" I yelled back, "ohhhhh, so your dad didn't told you huh?" I tilted my head, i and lot of questions in my mind, "So here's the whole story, when you were born, ofcourse your dad was very happy, and your mother as well, sooo, one year later, i was born too, so you are older than me, so Hi Big Sister." I was so stund to speak, "What?" The questions in my head were getting more and more, " UGH! YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND!" He yelled, "So the reason is why I hurt you, you stole my father away from me, you were the reason why my father left us! I will not forgive you even tho your my big sister, how dare you" he started crying, and straw at the floor, "look i didn't stole our father away from us, he left us no money and no food, he took everything that we needed." I explained, "So wait, did you mean that our father, has another CHILD?!?" he was so shock when he realized that it wasn't me it was another one,
" I think so, wait did he leave you and your mother both and took everything that is useful?" I asked, he nodded, i didn't realise that the arrow was still in my stomach, i tried to pull it out of my body but i can't, Tedros look at it and apologize, " I'm so so sorry Y/n, i apologize, its my fault" he look down at my stomach with the arrow, i patted his head,
"There's no need to apologize, help me to get rid of this stupid arrow" he nodded, and pulled it away then he throws the arrow, i groan at myself, the wound is very deep, "FUCK THIS IS MY FAULT" He said it to himself, i took his hand,
" I want to get out please, bit jot in the grand hall, in your dorm." i whispered at him, and with that i passed out falling to my little brothers arms.

Hello guysss so i think i  be able to post another chapter, there will be a part two!

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