Chess (2)

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As we got to the grand hall all eyes were on us, we both stopped walking, we look at eachother curious, thoughts in my mind, 'are we in trouble?, Did we do somthing wrong.

Professor Dovey: Ah there you are! Just right on time.

Lady Lesso: You may both look curious why everyone has an eye on you both, i will explain it again, so this is about the new subject, it's called chess, they had a black and white components, the black represents Evil, and the white represents Good, now if you are familiar with this game, you have been chosen, Y/n and Tedros, now Let the game begin!

As we sat to our table, chess is quite a brain game or something.

Now i will tell you what are these componets are, this is the King, the Queen, the Bishop, the Knight, the Rook, and lastly the Pawn.

Now i will tell you what are these componets are, this is the King, the Queen, the Bishop, the Knight, the Rook, and lastly the Pawn

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Tedros: Well I played this when my Granmother is still around, what about you

Y/n: Well actually, I've Never played it before, but i have red a book about chess, soooo maybe i will understand?, I dont know, Well lets play!

30 minutes Later

It feels like Tedros is winning but I'm targeting the Queen, As i checmated the King with my Rook, Tedros's Queen blocked the way, and i had to sacrifice my Rook, and thats what i did, i tool his Queen, and he took my Rook, fair fair.

I made a battery.

(Is like the Bishop or any kind of componets  and the Queen are together)

(Example, when The black Queen and Bishop, or any kinds of componets, but let's use the Bishop, when the two of them are together, in a diagonal way, when the White Queen gets the Bishop, now the Black Queen gets the White Queen, do you get it? I hope so) 

Since Tedros Queen died he will get another one by using the pawn but that didn't go away, He took my Bishop by using his Bishop but i took his Bishop by using my Queen.

Since Tedros Queen died he will get another one by using the pawn but that didn't go away, He took my Bishop by using his Bishop but i took his Bishop by using my Queen

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(I really hope you understand)

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(I really hope you understand)

Tedros: Wow, Y/n i never knew you good at this game

I only nod, cause it just a distraction for it

5 minutes later

Now the remaining componets are the black King and my Rook, Queen and the Queen.

Now the remaining componets are the black King and my Rook, Queen and the Queen

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Now the time is over I win!

Tedros: Wow Y/n Good game! 

Lady Lesso: Good job Y/n keep up the good work.

Lady Lesso smirked at me

Professor Dovey: Y/n!! Is this one of you hidden talents as well?

Dovey ask curiously

Y/n: It might be?

Professor Dovey: HA! i knew it! Lets CELEBRATE TO Y/N, FIRST SUBJECT AND FIRST WIN!

Y/n: Thank you guys.

Guys i hope you really understand chess, and I'm not a chess master at all, message me or just tell in the chat if you had anu ideas please, I'm sorry for slow updating, ive been busy for a week cause of something,and for the Celebration, THANK YOU FOR SIX FOLLOWERS I LOVEEE YOU ALLL<3

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