War is Over

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The moment that i passed out no one didn't catch me in time, my body was trying to get out of my soul.

When i woke up, i here some voices, similar voices, i can't here them because I'm to tired, then i here shouting my name, "GET OUT! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" When i here the woman's voice i knew who it is, it's Lady Lesso, i saw nurses, doctors and Dovey, "Y/n, stay awake for us please, you ok with that?" Dovey said in a concerned voice, the only thing I can do is to nod, someone carried me, in a bridal style.

I saw she was taking me into the Nurses office (clinic) when Lesso put me gently into the bed, i was starting to close my eyes but someone stop me, "Y/n, i know you hate me for a lot of reasons, but please stay awake for me ok?" I wasn't able to respond i just nodded again, the nurses and the doctors put some alcohol and some other stuff to make my scratches off my skin, i was making sure that i wasn't trying to sleep, 30 minutes later, it was finally done, i was still trying to not close my eyes, "Ok, you did such a good job Y/n, you can rest for now." One of the nurses said, and i finally closed my eyes and sleep to the bed.

Sorry that i haven't posted 2 days ago, exams in my way, but i will try to post more often, i love you all <3/

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