What a Lovely Night

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I followed Lady Lesso in her office i take of y
My cast, my arm is fully healed, we were in Lesso's office, she opened the door and i heard the door is locked i gulp, "Sit down Y/n." I sat down to the chair, she gave me a paper, i look at it, it was the quiz,"So the last hour i gave the paper quiz to all the students, surprisingly you are the highest grade in class, there are just 10 to 5 percent." I look at her at shock, i couldn't believe, i was the highest?!? I look down and smiled at myself, i looked up to Lady Lesso, "Oh, thank you lady Lesso." I stand up and was about to go to the door, but Lady Lesso stood block my way, 'God she's so beautiful in this site' i thought while i was blushing, "Darling, Do you like someone in this school?" She asked,"Ummm.... Well uhhh..... Yes.... I have" i blushed so hard, i become looking like a tomato.

"Ah well, may i know who it is?" She smirked.

"Ah umm well... It's kinda my privacy." I look down feeling so embarrass, she uses her index finger to lift my chin up.

"Fine, but is a female or male?" She seemed a bit serious about this question i gulped 'LADY LESSO IM SO GAY FOR YOU' i smiled at myself, "It's a female"

"Hmmm, okay why do you like her?" She took her index finger away from my chin and went back to her seat.

"Well...uh...It's the way she walk, the way she talk, the way she makes me feel inside, it's in her style, it's her eyes, and i wanted to kiss her so bad." The last sentence shocked me, i didn't even wanted to say but my mouth said it.

"Is it professor Dovey?" She raised her eyebrow,
"Professor Dovey?! No! Hell no!" I shouted feeling disgusted, i hate her style, but i can admit she's perfect, silence in the room, i was about to speak but Lesso spoke.

"Is it me then?" She smirked at me, "Is it possible to say this to you?" I asked her before answering, "Well ofcourse, why not?" I gulped, i took a deep breath and say everything to her.

"Fine, Lady Leonora Lesso when i first met you, you were the beautiful hot woman in the world, i couldn't say that i like you, no but i love you so much, my heart melts when i see you, you were a nice person, taking care of me, I love you, Lesso so if you don't like me back it's fine." (Dang it looks like im going to marry the dean, and just say  'will you marry me?")

Her cheeks were, fully pink ish, my heart was beating faster and faster, She kissed me without a word, i ofcourse kissed her back, she then carried me in a bridal style and went to her bed, she broke the kiss and sat up, she was touching me teasingly, i made a quiet moan, like a whisper, she stoped, it looks like we didn't do the kiss, "If you want to do this Y/n, Beg for it." The last sentence made me blush.

"Please....Lesso..... Please" i wanted her to touch me but i know she wanted to hear it.

"Come on, Darling i just can't look at you all night." I gulp.

"Lesso! Please fuck me!" Those sentence, make my heart skipped a beat, while her in the other side had a big smirk, she  slowly sat down at my lap, she quickly target my neck, she was licking my skin making me moan, i knew she wanted me to moan more, but more louder, she torn my dress off and throw in the floor, she slowly took my bra off and my panties, leaving me naked, she admire my body for a minute and continued.

I was quite sad, I'm literly naked and her still wearing her suit, Lesso then notice it, "Is there something wrong, Darling?" We made eye contact, i then looked to her suit, "Can i undress you as well?" She smirked and she stoped kissing my skin, "Ok Darling, Undress me." I quickly unbotton off her suit, and quickly took all of her clothes, leaving her naked as well, she continued, kissing my neck making me moan, the kisses of her lips were soft and warm, she began to kiss my thighs i moaned louder, she then kissing my spot, i moan even louder and louder, "Fuck! Lesso!" I was already wet, "Cum for me Darling." She said in a teasing voice, she stoped licking my vagina, she then replace two fingers in my vagina, it was getting faster and faster, she put a nother finger, my instead i moaned so loud, i almost cried, while she was putting three fingers in my vagina, she was kissing my neck, all around me leaving hickey, i didn't do anything, i just grab the sheets so tightly, "LESSO I-" before i could Finnish my sentence she kissed my lips and i kissed back it was a deep kissed, while the other hand she is touching my left breast and massaging it, she broke the kiss so we can breath, she continued the kiss, i thought she was targeting my lips but no, she kissed my neck, coming down to my right breast, i whimpered, (Dang, three fingers inside of your vagina and kissing your right breast and the other hand was massaging it now this is called a 'Multitasking') i moan out load knowing that Lesso was enjoying the music, the bed was so wet, i was out of air, she was tired, she stopped ang kissing my lips passionately, she then lay down and she hug me, i hug her back, and it was wonderful.

"You did a wonderful job Darling." That was the last thing what i heard from her.

Hi guys! I have a fever and my head spinning like crazy today, I'm so sorry for the late post or not posting in the new year's I'm very very so duper sorry, i hope i can post tomorrow and REALLY GUYS THANK YOU FOR ALL THE VOTES AND FOR READING THIS STORY I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCHHH, and bye have a good day/night!

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