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Lunas pov:

Rummaging around in my box of my new clothes and makeup I pull out a cute little black velvet dress that hugs my figure in all the right places, some fish net tights pairing them with my brand new docs. (Which I know are going to be a bitch to break in ) Walking up to Dom's mirror I look at myself in awe I'm finally starting to feel like myself after so long in the darkness.

I am going to make a very beautiful life for myself no matter what it takes, I tell myself as I look in the mirror,everything that has happened to me over the course of a month was a lot for my brain to process and I don't think I really have, I've pushed it to the back of my mind. I snap myself out of my thoughts and pick up my new makeup bag applying thick black eyeliner and red lipstick. I missed my signature look and it feels amazing to have her back, " there she is" Dom walks into the bedroom smiling from ear to ear at me. I can't help but blush a little, he strides towards me still grinning with that cheesy grin I've come to love so much.

" you look incredible princess " he plants a small kiss on my head, part of me feels like I'm in a dream with him, with us we haven't exactly labelled are relationship as official but I'll take the I love you's for now. " let's go downstairs shall we, see what all this fucking celebrating is about " he takes my hand in his as I follow him out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

I can hear the chatter of many voices coming from the living room, for some reason my stomach starts to turn in knots and I feel a bit nauseous. I put it down to nerves as it's the first time I'm really showing my face in two weeks due to people giving me my much needed space, of course they've come to see me every now and then but only for a moment they've just left me to spend time with Dom.

I walk into the living room following behind Dom who places himself next to Adam on the long L shaped sofa, I stand there like a fish out of water feeling as nervous as I did the day when I first met them all in that office for the first time all eyes are on me as people stop their conversation for a moment.

Emily is the first to speak up " Jesus Luna you clean up real good, you're putting me to shame " she jumps up from Olis lap who smiles at me, before embracing me in a hug. I can't help but laugh " I hope the clothes I picked are okay " she smiles at me again before handing me a drink.

" everything is perfect I can't thank you and Dom enough " I turn to smile at Dom who's engrossed in a conversation with Adam that looks serious, then I remember about Adam saying we have something to celebrate. " hey so what are we celebrating and drinking to? " I ask walking back over to Adam and Dom.

" this " Oli overhears and switches on the large tv mounted on the wall, " murderer and gang leader James smith 25 has been sentenced to a life sentence in prison today for the murder of his own father and the attempted murder of famous singer songwriter Dom Harrison also known as YungBlud" imagines of James in court flash on the TV screen causing me to to down the glass of wine I have in my hand.

I'm frozen in fear looking at the TV screen, my hands start to feel numb and my ears start to ring as I look at James face on the screen, all the voices around my blur into the ringing and I begin to feel overwhelmingly nauseous again, I drop my glass feeling it crash and smash at my feet my eyes never leaving the screen.

I run out of the room and down the hall into the downstairs bathroom unable to keep the drink down I just had, I throw up holding onto the sink to help me back up as I rinse my mouth out and wipe away my now smudged makeup.

I think seeing James face triggered my body into some kind of panic attack, my heart is racing and my breath is shaky, this is the first time this has happened in the last two weeks. I hear a knock at the door " Luna are you okay? Fuck I'm really sorry I should of thought it through before turning the tv on " Oli shouts through the door. I take a moment to compose myself and put on a fake smile until I hear a slap sound followed by an " ouch dick " from Oli.

I open the door to see Dom and Oli stood there with worried looks on their faces " er sorry about that " I say putting on a fake smile. " I'll leave you two alone " Oli says before heading back down the hall into the living room. Leaving Dom looking at me with a pity look on his face which I hated, he's going to go right back to treating me like I'm fragile again. I can't have that, I won't have that.

" I'm okay Dom, don't worry I think it was just my body's natural reaction you know first time seeing him since everything, fight or flight I guess " I smile trying to laugh the whole thing off, " it's okay for you not to be okay you know Luna, we can go back upstairs we don't have to see the others maybe it's too soon " he steps towards me with sympathy in his olive green eyes.

" no no it's okay I don't want to go back into hiding anymore Dom, I actually want some kind of normal again please. " I sigh looking up at him, I can see he doesn't believe one word I'm saying and he wants to wrap me up in a blanket of safety of just him and I again.

I squeezed his hand to stop his running train of thought bringing him back to me, " I'm not as fragile as you think I am, I've survived James before remember " I put on my fakest proud smile and pretend to be strong. His body starts to relax and he lets out a huge sigh " okay princess, whatever you need let's go talk to the others about it " he gives me a faint smile back.

We head back to the living room and before Dom could speak I push my way past him so all eyes are on me again, as expected everyone has a worried look on their face. Emily is sweeping up my mess from before and Adam jumps up trying to embrace me in a hug.

I hold my hand up to stop him " look I know you all think I'm a fragile as glass, but I'm stronger then you think. What you just saw was my body's natural reaction to seeing James ugly face I'm okay, we are okay " I intertwine my fingers with Dom's and Adam steps back nodding his head.

Oli speaks up " well he isn't exactly the best looking fellow is he " he chuckles whilst sipping his beer and patting the space next to him for me to sit, which I do gladly. Dom takes his seat next to Adam his eyes not leaving me for a second and Emily stays seated on the floor pouring us another drink.

" so I want to get back to normal I'm tired of hiding as much I love your family home Dom I miss the stage, hell I even miss the tour bus " I chuckle whilst taking my new drink from Emily. Everyone chuckles besides Dom who look pained.

" well Tom has been in touch a lot actually, he wants to announce the new rescheduled tour dates, starting in America " Adam says sipping his beer. I feel my eyes light up as I jump to my feet " let's contact him now, put out the announcement on social media! " I pretty much scream at Adam. He grabs his phone from his pocket trying to find Toms number until Dom smacks it out of his hand.

" the tour would start again next week it's too soon Luna " he looks at me stern, " too soon for what? To go back to normal to get out the UK " I'm cut off by Dom standing up " I literally forbid it Luna it's too soon " he snaps making the room falls silent.

I shake my head as the hold back the tears " forbid it? FORBID IT! DON'T YOU THINK IVE BEEN CONTROLLED ENOUGH " I storm out of the room tears brimming my eyes as Dom calls after me " fuck Luna I didn't-" before I run upstairs and slam the door sliding down it.

I'm so drained of this already, at first it was sweet it was considerate and kind of Dom to treat me with such care, but now it's suffocating and I can't take much more. Sitting on the bed I let my emotions overcome me, tears fall from my eyes as my body shakes from the sobbing until I hear a knock at the door.

" please leave me alone Dom " I shout, "it's not Dom " I hear Emily's voice through the door, then the door creeks open slowly showing her face looking at me for permission to come in. I nod to come in, she sighs and sits next to me.

" Adam called Tom the marketing team are announcing on all socials tonight the tour continuing and we leave for America in two days, we all out voted Dom " I look at her through watery vision.

" really? " she nods smiling at me, " can I stay in your room until we leave I think I need some space from Dom " I sigh. " of course if you don't mind bunking up with me and Ol " she pulls me into a hug and I let out a shaky sigh of relief.

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