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Luna Warrington:

Dom said he wanted to get to the venue to make sure everything was perfect for the party tonight, lots of people who I didn't know would be invited lots of Dom's famous friends, old managers have all flown in to see him and me, sometimes when we are in our little bubble I forget how successful Dom is and how the world has their eyes on us at all times.

Emily has come crashing into the bedroom followed by Ol and Adam not longer after Dom left showering me with gifts, Adam got me a new guitar and pick saying I could swap with my current one on tour when we head back out, Oli got me a tiny version of peaches the bear saying it was for the little one when it was born making my eyes well up.

And Emily well she got me none alcoholic gin and some new makeup to play with stating it would just be like old times, I loved my little family so much. My real family besides Adam never showed me this much kindness even on my birthday, it was like any regular old day to me back then.

No cake or candles in site just a hallow feeling in my chest and a phone call from Adam singing down the phone, it was lonely. I wish I could go back and tell teenage me to hang on, it gets better even if she has to live through the shit show I did, it was all worth it in the end.

Adam and Oli departed after giving me my gifts to go meet Dom leaving me and Emily to get ready for tonight, Emily insisted on doing my makeup like she used to on tour and when I was courting and trying to impress Dom, but she said instead of the raccoon eyes I always went for I should go for something more golden.

Golden because she said I was a goddess, she made me blush saying all the right things, making me feel so loved. She painted my eyes with a bronze eyeshadow then added golden glitter to my lids, she painted my lips with a nude gloss as we chatted.

Every so often we'd stop so she could feel the baby kicking, " do you think you'll get married some day or start a family " I ask as she applied blush to my cheeks, she froze for a moment her smile fading slightly.

" urm - I want to but I don't think Oli wants that " I could see her swallow her sadness, it made my heart ache but surely after everything things have changed? they've both been through a lot these past couple of months like me and Dom so who knew what was written in their stars only happiness I hope.

" people change " I place my palm to her cheek, bringing her free hand to my stomach, " people change, their desires change. The person I was 6 months ago isn't who I am now so never say never okay "

I wipe away the small tear from her cheek with my thumb as she nodded and smiled, I think she needed to hear that just as me. I have to remember I'm not who I was, the situation in my life isn't the same as it was, change is good, change can be beautiful, scary but beautiful.

It's weird these roles being reversed a couple months ago it was Emily reassuring me that behind all the tough guy act there was a softer side to Dom, she'd been through it Ol and saw the signs clear as day when me and Dom were together that he was slowly opening up to me, now I'm reassuring her that nothing is the same as it was and what we've lived through these past 3 months is enough to change anybody's outlook on life.

And I've seen the way Oli looks at the baby scan photos, his eyes soften and spark with love and it's not even his child, they'd both make incredible parents when the time comes.

We both finish getting ready Emily is in black too, apparently Dom made it the dress code? Who would of thought he's got this whole dam thing planned out, he's probably put pressure on himself to make this the perfect party for me knowing I've never had one before.

Honestly I would of loved anything he had planned for me, even a movie night with the guys here with some pizza in our pj's would of been perfectly okay, once ready and we double check we have everything we head out of the apartment into the rented car Dom had waiting for us.

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