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Luna Warrington:

Doctors came and went over the next two days checking up on me, as did the guys showering me in more flowers and chocolates. my blood pressure had dropped thankfully and they offered me to see the baby before I went back home.

Emily, ol and Adam were all sitting at my bedside with it been visiting hours, I saw all their eyes flash with excitement, this little baby I'm carrying is a becan of light in the darkness helping us through the worse of it.

" would my family be able to stay and see too? " I ask with hope in my voice, a smile crossed all their faces as I asks the one question I could see they were dying to ask themselves.

" of course we can bring a portable ultrasound machine here, just give us a moment once the scan is done we can sign your discharge papers too " the doctor gave me a warm smile before they exit the room.

" ahhhhh I'm so fucking excited!! " Emily jumps up and down on the spot, I can't help but chuckle at her reaction she's adorable, the only two people who have seen baby b is me and Ol, but he still looked just as excited as Emily and Adam.

Of course the guys weren't jumping for joy like Emily but I could tell by their bright smiles and bouncing nervous legs they were just as eager to see the little one, as was I, I haven't seen them for a while and I was dying to know how much they've grown in the short space of a couple weeks.

I wondered when I'd start to show any kind of bump at all, I have a tiny frame so now the news is out I was hoping it would be sooner rather then later, I wanted to tell the world I was carrying your child Dom and how proud I was because of it.

A nurse entered the room wheeling in a portable machine, I sat up excitement flooding through my veins, I remember how scared I was at my first scan and having to lie about my whereabouts to people but now I'm sat with them all besides me it feels like a fevered dream.

" hello Luna, we are here to see how the baby is today! " a young nurse with golden hair smiles at me setting up the machine, " now I'm just going to lift your gown and apply some gel to your tummy it's going to feel a little cold at first " she lifts my hospitable gown.

To my surprise I have the smallest tiniest little bump but I'm going to put it down to bloating from all the terrible hospital food I've been consuming and maybe the chocolate..

" looks like you're starting to show " the nurse smiles at me, " really? This early? " my eyes widen a little not believing what she's saying to me right now.

" yes, people who are more petite can show really early on how exciting now let's pop this gel on " I glance at the guys who are fixated on my stomach right now.

They all look kinda shocked because it's real, it's really sinking in for them seeing me with a slight bump already.

The nurse applied the cool gel to my stomach and begins smoothing the wand over my skin causing me to shudder with the cold contact, everyone seems to be holding their breath looking at the monitor.

" there they are " I glance at the screen and my jaw almost hits the floor, the baby is no longer a little blob of cells and a little bean shape that it was before but they have legs and arms and little outline of a face now.

My eyes begin to water because it just really hit me I'm growing a life now, my heart swells with so much love I reach out towards the screen with nothing but love in my heart for this little life me and Dom have created.

" wow no fucking way " Adam says making me snap my head around to scowl at him. " no swearing in front of the little one " I joke.

" baby has a strong heart beat, and is the size of a plum now " the nurse says but the room stays silent for a moment as we all look in disbelief at the screen hearing the heart beat fill the room.

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