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Luna Warrington:

I stumble out of the black out car onto the pavement catching myself before I face plant, my nerves make my legs feel like jelly, I'm like Bambi on ice right now as I walk up to the prison gates.

Paparazzi yelling my name along with questions, their flashes from their cameras are almost blinding, I'm thankful for the sunglasses perched on my face a little tip I learnt from Adam a while back. I ignore all there bellows just trying to make it into the actual prison itself away from the crowd.

Once inside and the gates locked behind me the pit in my stomach grows more and more, my stomach is tied in knots as I try steady my breath the crowds have died down now they can't see me making the silence all too deafening.

Heading inside I'm greeted by a police officer who pats me down and takes my bag, the only thing I ask is if I can keep my phone on me due to Dom's condition in hospital they agree and take the rest of my belongings away in a tray and lock them away for safety.

The female officer looks at me with wide eyes as she pats across my stomach and feels the noticeable bump, I lift up my thick knit jumper to show her it's actually a baby bump, I didn't want her thinking I was trying to smuggle something in.

" uh please don't tell anyone it's a secret for now " I hope and pray she doesn't go running to the news outlets about this. Her facial expression softens a bit before she speaks.

" I'm a huge fan of both you and Dom it wouldn't be very professional of me to do so, congratulations " she gives me a warm smile easing my nerves, I think this is the first time someone has congratulated me on my pregnancy making my smile grow wider.

" thank you " I manage to mutter out, she leads me down a hall away from the rest of the prisoners trying to keep my visit as secretive as possible, even though I'm sure the paps and news outlet's are racing to get story's out right now.

We stop a metal door leading me to believe James is behind it, I lock my hands together behind my back to try stop the trembling. I take a couple deep breaths, my mouth suddenly becomes dry and I want to run but I can't I'm frozen in place like my feet are stuck in cement.

The officer notices this " you can take as long as you need before you go in, no rush there's a male officer in there behind him and I'll be right behind you if you need anything, you are so brave Luna for facing your abuser like this" she reaches out and pats my shoulder for some kind of comfort.

I send her back a tight lipped smile as I try get my body in order, I can't run I can't walk away I've come all this way and he's right there, I'm safe he can't hurt me anymore I tell myself.

He needs to pay. He needs to suffer. He needs hurt like he hurt us.

Anger slowly takes over my panicking, I think of Dom lying in my lap in the shower lips blue and skin as cold as ice, he did this. He needs to fucking pay up for what he made him go through, what he made my family suffer through.

I put my phone in my bra as I didn't have any pockets " I'm ready " I give the officer a nod, she opens the door to the room.

She steps inside first I slowly follow behind her, he's there in the middle of the cold grey room no windows are seen. The only light source is a bulb hanging from the ceiling leading me to believe this is probably some kind of integration room how fitting I thought.

A tall armed officer stands at the back of the room giving me a small nod as I enter, James is handcuffed to a metal chair behind a steel table giving me some well needing space away from him.

I glance at him and he noticeably happy grinning from ear to ear as he glances over my body making me wrap my arms across my chest, god I feel like he's undressing me with his eyes it sends a cool shiver down my spine.

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