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Dom Harrison:

I've bitten my nails until they bleed, I'm allowed out of the hospital today after I basically said I was going no matter what I was told I'm so sick of looking at these same white walls it was going to drive me insane, they said they need check me over once more, they tired to send me home with some strong pain medication but I refused.

I was so scared of falling down the rabbit hole of addiction I didn't want to risk it, also giving someone who tried to kill themselves strong medication unsupervised? What's that about.

Adam says Lunas phone is going straight to voice mail, I even tried calling it myself out of worry when he wasn't around to update me on anything, the press are having a field day about the break up rumours but they couldn't be more wrong about us.

If only they knew the women i'm in love with sacrificed her safety and sanity to seek me justice she went to face her literal abuser.  Adam decided to call the prison for an update about Luna apparently she left unharmed and fine but that's all I know for now.

He has more to fill me in on when he comes to pick me up when I'm discharged, I'm currently changing out of this scratchy shitty hospital gown pulling on my sweats and hoody my god have I missed my own clothes and comfort.

Pulling the hoody over my head a familiar scent fills my noose it isn't mine though making me pause for a second, it's not one of the many aftershave's I wear daily, the scent is sweet almost like violets my eyes begin to water as I realise it's Luna's smell filling my nose.

She must of been wearing my hoodies when I was in my coma, her scent is a blanket of warmth and comfort to me making me more eager to head home to see all her familiar belongings scattered around the apartment even if she's not there.

I long for familiarity right now more then anything, Adam walks into the room as I'm sniffing my hoodie giving me a weird look, I bet I look mental right now as cling to the fabric bringing it to my face.

" feeling good there mate? " he chuckles to himself.

" uh yeah it just smells like her that's all, I miss her " I say truthfully.

" bless ya man, let's get you home shall we I've already signed your discharge papers but I have to warn you the paps are lurking down there at the entrance they have been since you came in 3 weeks ago " he places his hand on my back guiding me out of the room I've spent the last 3 and half weeks in.

My legs are kinda shaky as I'm not used to walking but during the days I've been awake the physio therapist has worked wonders at me quickly regain some of my strength in my legs and arms.

I pull my hood up and pluck Adams sunglasses from his head, no offence but I need these more then him the second the paps see me they're going to swarm me now they know I'm awake and well, that and the break up rumours floating around about me and Luna.

I shove my hands in my pockets and put my head down Adam leaves first they all start snapping photos of him but the crowd is fairly tame over him probably used to seeing him come and go by now, I take in a deep breath not missing the feeling of been hounded all the time by paps.

I walk out after Adam at first they don't notice me and I think I've almost got away with it but a gust of wind knocks my hood back slightly my red hair peaks through that was enough for one person to notice me, it was like a domino affect one person started screaming my name and the rest followed.

They all pushed and shoved to get a clear photo of me as I leave the hospital, I hear lunas name being called after my own asking about our relationship, one pap even pushes Adam out the way to get to me forcing my back against the wall, they all follow him cornering me as they snap photos and ask questions.

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