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Luna Warrington 

Day 3 of the LA shows I'm walking back stage hand in hand with Dom heading outside to surprise some eager fans, they've been waiting hours in the miserable rain and weather so Dom bought coffee and donuts for everyone, but he said it wasn't enough he wanted to show his face to the first couple hundred and thank them himself.

We sneak out with our hoods up and sunglasses on as the people chant along to Dom's new song Mars, it's a beautiful sight to see, he dropped his single yesterday as a surprise and the fans already know the words in less then 24 hours it's absolutely mind blowing. The connection we have to them is unreal, the connection they feel to the lyrics and Dom is so wholesome it warms my heart.

He walks behind a fan who has their back turned and takes off his sunglasses, they are soaked from the downpour we just had. " iya love " he says making them turn around with wide eyes " DOM" they cry, jumping on him without a hesitation, He happily accepts them in his arms chuckling at their shocked reaction.

Other fans see the commotion and turn to see Dom they all start to shout and freak out, he doesn't pay them no attention just yet as he is putting his focus on this one fan. " how long have you been waiting darling " he mutters, making my heart melt at the pet names he gives his fans like he's known them forever. " about 6 hours wanted to get barricade " they shrug trying to play it cool.

I can tell their in a state of shock having Dom stand before them, " you look freezing love " without a thought Dom tugs off his hoody and hands them it, " to keep you warm until you get inside " he smiles, I can see their internally freaking out as they take the hoody happily. He gives them another hug and gets in a photo.

Some of the fans call my name and I walk over getting some photos and getting all the loves from them, but the rain starts to pour again and Dom is at my side telling me to go inside as he doesn't want me to get sick. " says the one roaming about in a T-shirt " I tease him back.

I run inside leaving Dom with the fans to take more photos and greet them, as much as I enjoyed being in their company I know they really wanted to see Dom not me, he was keeping the moral up until the doors opened in an hour.

He's kind hearted like that, I take my hood down walking down the halls past multiple dressing rooms but the sound of moaning caught my attention. A husky voice moaning out " Emily " made me stop dead in my tracks.

I knew that voice and it wasn't Olis, it was a man's voice that was all too familiar, I don't even knock I burst into the dressing room Emily screams shocked by my sudden entrance trying to button up her shirt and well the mystery man was buttoning up his pants.

Accept he wasn't a mystery man at all now, he had a name someone who'd be here all along, someone I didn't expect. " Tom? " I look at him astonished. My eyes dart from Emily to Tom before I leave the room slamming the door, I know I wanted to know what was going on but I didn't expect it to be management.

Seeing her with love struck eyes and him crawling all over her made me feel a bit sick to my stomach, how could she right under Olis nose? It had been clear this whole time and I didn't pick up on it. The little giggles and glances they shared in team meetings I just brushed it off, but thinking back to it now it was all too familiar to how me and Dom acted when we couldn't tell people.

Just like mine and Dom's was their affections are forbidden, and I didn't know how to deal with it. I walk into my dressing room slamming the door and trying to think through hazy thoughts, how am I going to tell Oli it's someone so close to home? I can't break his heart like that not after how low he sunk.

" Luna " I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn't hear anyone come in, " Emily " I spat back bitterly. " how could you do that to Oli " I could feel the venom fly off my tongue at her.

" it just happened I didn't mean for it too " she walks in closes the door and steps closer to me but I back away " you- you FUCK" I couldn't find the words all I saw was red again, thanks to the new found hormones running through me I was extra sensitive and fiery.

" look when everything happened between you going missing and Dom being hurt someone had to contact Tom and fill him and as the weeks went by we got close...Oli was so distracted with Dom and you I felt neglected " she tries to fight her case but I don't ease up.

" so when Dom was almost dying and I was fucking trapped with my abusive ex you were sexting Tom OH real nice Emily " I glare at her, " it wasn't like that at first he just comforting me in my worries " there she goes again thinking of herself and her own worries.

I shake my head " you need to tell Oli, you know how fucking lost he is right now? Cut him off or fucking tell him " I yell at her, " you've been so caught up in Tom you haven't noticed him falling apart right Infront of you, your fucking soul mate, and fuck me you haven't even helped me when you promised " tears start to spill out.

" I'm sorry- I'm sorry " she mutters out " sorry isn't good enough you talk to Oli tonight or I will tell everyone what you've been doing. Emily this isn't you I know you're in an open relationship but you never tell lies or keep secrets " I shake my head at her.

" I'll tell him, I'll tell him tonight please forgive me. I fucked up I did I have neglected our friendship and Ol. I was blinded by love " my neck almost snaps at how quick I turn around and look at her. " love?! Love?! I think you mean lust " I scoff.

I see her face scrunch up clearly annoyed " you should understand me better then anyone when I was alone he was all I had, when I was worried he comforted me isn't that how you and Dom started " I stand up to her rage consuming me now, I point my finger in her face " YOU WERE NOT ALONE YOU HAD OLI BUT YOU WERE BLIND TO WHAT YOU HAD " I scream now feeling the back of my throat hurt.

Adam comes bursting in hearing the communication " what's going on Luna are you okay " he looks between me and Emily slightly calming seeing it's just us. " I don't want to fall out with you but you have until the end of tonight emily " I warn without letting on to Adam.

She nods her head and walks out the room leaving me and Adam, he stands baffled at what just happened "should I ask or? " he wasn't sure if it was his place to pry. " did Dom tell you about the whole situation " I double check before I spill the beans even more.

" about Emily and Ol yeah he mentioned it " he nods closing the door behind him knowing this was some what of a sensitive topic. " yeah well I caught her out with the person tonight, I've given her till the end of the evening to tell Oli or it's public information " I shrug.

I usually feel awful doing things like this it isn't me, I'm not the type of person who blackmails and guilt trips but this whole fling, relationship was affecting the group more then Emily knew. And I couldn't have our family fall apart not when I needed, I mean we needed it most I think of baby B.

I always imagined Emily and Oli being fond god parents to this child, and that daydream was slowly crumbling by its foundations, maybe I should tell Emily maybe it would make her see sense again.

She's stuck in a bubble, a lust filled fairy tale she was like Alice in wonderland going down the rabbit hole and I had to stop her.

Double up date as I didn't want to leave it too long, I'm about to make this book blow up in chaos soon and I'm not even sorry this is just the beginning.

Also let me know if you guest it right.

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H xo

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