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Dom Harrison

I told luna I was heading out to the studio today which is partly true, but I'm going to be spending my morning ring shopping with Adam and Ol. Since getting her back in my life I can't imagine it without her now, i asked Adam a while ago if I could marry her and he reminded me I already asked when I was high off my mind on pain meds in hospital and I had to remind him I don't want to go back to how I was different girl each night, Lu is my muse, the reasons why the demons stay at bay and quite literally the reason I get up in the morning.

" are you sure about this man? " OlI asked hoovering over the glass counter looking at all the rings besides Adam, " never been so sure in my life " I shrug scanning all the rings nothing jumping out to me" I can't believe you're going to be my brother In law " Adam chuckles patting me on the back. " stuck with me forever now aren't you " I laugh.

None of these rings are jumping out at me they're all plain and diamonds, and I don't think that's what Luna would want not after that hideous ring she had to wear that James got her. She's the light and I'm the dark, not like the sun but more like the moon lighting up my world on a dark night, she lived up to her name,we need something that will match that kind of energy, " do you have anything else other then diamonds, I'm after a different gemstone " I ask the women behind the counter.

She walks off pulling a velvet tray from a place I didn't see before presenting me with it, the tray had so many beautiful rings in it from opals, to ruby's, I almost picked out a red Ruby it been her fav colour until a women slides a velvet box towards me.

" this just came in today, only one ever made if you're looking for something special " I open the box to see the most stunning black gemstone surrounded by two moons, the light and the dark. " it's fucking perfect " I whisper to myself.


Luna Warrington present day

Day two of our LA show, we have a total of four in a row two rescheduled and two new dates to make up for lost time, and to make it up to the fans of course.

All the shows are sold out which is incredible, I'm in my dressing room currently applying some Smokey eyeshadow and a red lip. I catch the sight of the ring in the mirror I can't believe he asked me to marry him yesterday, I'm starting to think I'm in some kind of fevered daydream and I'm going to wake up still in that nightmare of a life I had before.

Emily walks into my dressing room, " hi stranger " I turn and smile at her, " I know I know I'm so sorry I haven't been around since we landed in LA, I owe you congratulations, wine? " she shakes the bottle at me.

" I'm not drinking before the show I need a clear head after last night I still feel fuzzy, where were you last night anyway em " I ask her my head cocked to the side, I know she's been seeing someone else, so does Ol but I'd very much to find out who.

" well uh I've been kinda seeing someone, it's all new and exciting don't get mad remember poly relationship, which means open " she smiles like a school girl with a new crush, I know she's thinking of who ever she's started dating right now.

" so are you going to tell me who this mystery person is? " I ask, " it's all new right now so I don't want to tell anyone and complicate things, I'm happy that's all that matters " she opens the wine taking a sip twirling her hair. I can't help but a feel a twang of anger in my chest as she hasn't mentioned Ol or his feelings once.

" well what about Ol doesn't he deserve to know and be happy also " I snap a little bit too stern, I'm blaming it on my hormones and my new close relationship with Ol, she looks at me startled for a moment not expecting me to say anything like this " he knows, not about the person but he knows I'm seeing someone" she looks down looking slightly guilty.

" I think if anyone should know it should be him " my phone rings before Emily could speak, her face is a mixture of hurt and anger and she gets up and leaves the dressing room. I sigh picking up my phone, she's my best friend I had to be honest what she's doing is very selfish leaving Oli in the dark like this.

" hey Princess where are you? " I hear Dom's raspy voice through the phone, " just in my dressing room I'm ready babe" I smile back as I speak. " okay darling well come backstage I want Ol to grab some photos of us for socials, Tom wanted some for the fans " I say my goodbyes and head back stage.

I can hear the crowd chanting and I see Emily, Ol and Dom all standing around talking to Tom " there she is women of the hour " Tom smiles at me, Emily stands next to Ol looking anywhere but my direction she can be mad at me but she knows I'm right.

" why do we need these photos anyway? " I ask walking up to Dom and planting a kiss on his cheek, " the fans are going insane over the engagement,  they want to see the ring and I thought it would be sweet to give them what they want so smile lovely's " he pushes me closer to Dom and I shift uncomfortably feeling like prize live stock ready for sale.

Ol stands camera ready, as he shoots some photos of me and Dom loved up I was uncomfortable at first with everyone watching but the second I looked into Dom's sage green eyes all that faded away, I forgot what we were doing and it felt like everyone in the room melted away and it was just me and Dom. " I love you " I gush at him and Dom meets my lips needly.

" alright I got it, done " Ol storms off leaving everyone confused but me, because I knew deep down he was hurting and probably missing this type of attention from Emily.

" I should probably go check on those photos, see if he got my good side " I lie through my teeth " see you on stage baby, no surprises please " I laugh kissing Dom and running after Ol.

He's sat in the corridor camera placed next to him with his head in his hands, " Ol? Are you okay " I slide down the wall sitting next to him. " yeah I'm fine, how's you and baby b " he whispers back to me, I can see by his eyes he's in pain, emotional torment.

" I'm sorry about everything, I tried to talk to Emily I tried to get her to tell me who the person was, it's like she isn't her anymore " I sigh. " she's not that's why she's shut me out, she isn't staying in our room most nights, when she's around me she's absent lost in her own head " he looks at the floor looking more lost then ever.

" I'm- I'm so sorry, but can I ask , you said you've been in a open relationship since the beginning hasn't this happened before? " I almost didn't dare ask but I couldn't help but wonder, surely they've been with other people before so what makes this so much harder on Ol.

" we have but it's mainly for random sex, hook ups and threesomes. This isn't like that she's emotionally invested and shutting me out " Oli looks at me his eyes watery as he does his best not to cry over everything, I reach my arm around his shoulders and pull him into me.

" it's gonna be okay you have me we will figure it all out, in the meantime we are on tour why don't you get lost in someone else too. Maybe a hookup with someone other then Emily might be good to take your mind off of it all and focus on someone else" he bursts out laughing at me trying to give him sex life advice.

" never in a million years did a think the shy girl who couldn't look me in the eyes a couple month ago would be giving me sex advice " he smiles, " me neither but there's that smile I love so much don't loose it okay " I stand holding out my hand and pulling him up.

He embraces me in a hug as a silent thank you for everything, but the thing is he's there for me just as much and keeping the biggest secret I have right now.

" show time " Tom shouts down the hall at us both.

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