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No perspective

There's something always eerie about hospitals isn't there? It's not the white washed walls or the clinical smells that invade your senses as soon as you enter the doors, it's the fact that life and death are happening under the same very roof, people giving birth welcoming new life, cries of joy can be seen and heard. But right across the same building people are saying good bye with tears of sorrow in their eyes and mourning their losses.

It's like the Angel of death and life are dancing together underneath the same roof, it's beautifully tragic in a way.

It's never quiet here there's always people pacing, tired nurses and doctors pushed to their limits always rushed off of their feet as they roam the halls even at the most ungodly hour.

That's when the two star crossed lovers came in, the doors flung open of the ER, people rushed around them both, the squeaking of shoes against the clean floor could be heard, the rolling of the wheels from under them, the sound of the heart monitor beeping next to the young male.

Beep, beep, beep.

But what stuck out the most from all these sounds of the frantic chaotic ER was the lone sobs and cries from one young women, Luna Warrington. Her hand had attached itself to the boys wrist besides her.

Between her cries of physical pain, there were cries up to the heaven above to hear her plea to save her lover to grant her that one wish to keep him safe.

If she had a choice between her unborn child's life and him, she'd always pick him in this moment of panic. She didn't care if that sounds selfish, he was and always will be the love of her life and without him she'd just be existing not living, she wouldn't live without him by her side.

The thought of bringing up a child on her own made her body squirm uncontrollably from the uncomfortable thought, what if she grew to hate them in time? Like her father grew to hate her because she was a constant reminder of her dear departed mother. Would this baby wear the same beautiful olive eyes, have the same plump strawberry lips that their father has.

Would seeing them everyday be heartbreakingly exhausting and cause too much pain for her because each time she looked at them, she would only see him, she wondered and wondered and wondered until she blacked out from the pain in her stomach.

Luna Warrington:

I slowly peel my eyes open to the buzzing sound of monitors, slow beeping filling my ears. The overhead bright glaring lights were making it impossible to open my eyelids as it invaded my eyes.

I'm confused at first to where I am but then it hits me like a truck, the memories of Dom's lifeless come flooding back to her like a tidal wave, Dom! I wanted to jolt my body up and shout his name but my body couldn't move, then I felt it, someone's hand in mine lightly brushing their calloused fingers across my knuckles.

I hum in pleasure of their soft gentle touches, it had to be Dom right? Who else would be waiting by my bedside? I fluttered my lashes trying to adjust my eyes to bright light above me, I felt groggy, but the pain in my stomach had thankfully subsided.

Then another wave of worry crashes into me, the baby, fuck I knew I pleaded for Dom's life to be saved and not theirs but if their gone if they're truly gone I would be mournful and it would be my fault.

I kept thinking over and over I didn't mean it, in a perfect world I wanted them both safe and healthy but my luck in life isn't the best.

I finally managed to croak out the words " baby " into the air not been able to lift my head up properly still drowsy from whatever medication they had put me on to help with the pain.

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