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Luna Warrington

Today is the day of our first show back id like to say the butterfly's in my stomach were just excitement for the show but each time Dom cuddles me from behind and places his hand on my stomach he has no idea he's holding the life we both created right there at the palm of his hand, I feel terrible for basically lying to him.

I mean technically anything can happen to this baby I'm not safe properly until I'm about 12 weeks, I've had my head in my phone on Google as much as I can looking up everything. There's so much to learn it almost makes me dizzy, and right now I'm going through it completely isolated and alone.

Part of me wants to tell Emily so bad, but her reaction in the coffee shop tells me it's a bad idea and she'll call me an idiot for wanting to keep it, I can't tell Adam because I'm scared he'll attack Dom again for knocking up his little sister. Oli is a no because I feel like he'll just tell Emily and Emily will be offended he knew before her.

My parents would probably have a dig at me saying they knew I'd amount to nothing but another single mum if it didn't pan out with Dom, and then there's Dom himself the one person I'm afraid to tell the most. Like I said I'm completely alone in this, but then a thought crosses my mind.

I walk out onto the huge balcony with it's beautiful pool and patio, it looks over the city. There's not a soul out here but me and the never ending blue sky, I look up and close my eyes " hey mum, it's been a while since we talked I'm sorry I haven't visited your grave life has been- a whirlwind. I have no one else but you to talk to.-" a single tear falls from my eye as I look up trying to get the words out.

" well you're going to be a grandma and you're the first person who knows, if anything happens to them please look after them on the other side. God I wish you were here, you'd know what to say and do, you'd love Dom his smile reminds me of yours it lights up the whole room when he's there, I miss you so so much " I close my eyes feeling the breeze flow through my hairs as I choke back my tears.

I feel a pair of hands slip round my waist, " who are you talking to princess? " I hear his thick Yorkshire accent whisper in my ear and I almost panic that he heard everything. I spin around looking at his eyes for a sign he may of heard me " how-how much of that did you hear " I look at Dom through my blurry vision due to holding back my tears.

" all I heard is that you miss someone, who? " he asks looking at me softly and wiping away my tears," my mum I talk to the sky when I can't visit her grave, I sound insane don't I " I drop my head in embarrassment.

He tilts my head back up cupping my chin so I'm looking into those beautiful green eyes, " it's not insane it's beautiful you still connect with her, I wish I could of met her Adam barely speaks about her so I didn't want to pry, what was her name? "

" Sage, hence why I'm called Luna my mother loved different names " I smile fondly as I think of her, how much I look like her now with my blue eyes and dark wavy hair, I almost wonder what little b will look like will they have Dom's olive eyes or my blue ones, will they have straight or wavy hair.

I was lost in my thoughts when Dom shakes me slightly " lu ? Lost you there for a moment, but I said both your names are angelic. Come on let's go inside and see the others and grab some food " he wraps his arm around me guiding me back inside.


We pull up to the venue seeing the masses of people lined up outside all chanting and singing Dom's songs it made my heart swell, but I can't help but feel over come with nerves too. I started to feel nauseous in the car, clearly little b didn't want tacos for lunch, I try ignore the growing feeling of sickness as we need to do sound check.

" I'm just gonna go get settled in my dressing room real quick " I shout to Dom as I rush into the venue ahead of him, he doesn't even question it because I didn't give him the chance to.

I dart down the halls running to the room with my name on it and swing open the door, I couldn't make it to the bathroom so I grab the bin and start throwing up. God I hate this, I slowly slide down the wall with the bin inbetween my legs trying to catch my breath from running.

" guess you don't like tacos little b, no but please give me a break I don't want to throw up on stage " I pat my stomach smiling to myself until I look at the door between throwing up and panting I didn't hear anyone come in.

There Oli stands like he's seen a ghost, " fuck " I look at him with eyes wide, " I'm - uh sorry I'll go " he almost walks away until I stand up and grab him pulling him into my dressing room in a panic and locking the door behind me.

" Oli what did you see? " I walk towards him pointing my finger, he backs off slowly " I uh- I'm I was just looking for Emily " he holds his hands up in defence. " ol im being serious tell me " I start to panic.

" I saw you throwing up then talking to your stomach, and OH MY FUCKING GOD LUNA ARE YOU- " I stop him " SHHH DONT SAY ANOTHER WORD " I whisper shout at him, knowing I'm running out of time to get my story straight before someone comes looking for us.

" does Dom know, does Emily? " he asks his tone now quite as he got the message. " no one one knows, I found out when I went to go get the implant and I feel like Emily was so upset at me for the thought of having kids that I don't want to tell her not yet and Dom don't get me started we aren't even a couple and I'm knocked up how funny is that " I laugh nervously as I pace the room.

Oli watches me as I pace his mind trying to catch up with what I just said " how far along are you " he asks " 5 weeks " I start to naw at the nails at this point, " 5 weeks, that's means the ball? - wait the bathroom " he looks at me shocked.

" yes the fucking bathroom, James wouldn't let me take my pill so here we are, but Ol you can't tell anyone you have to promise me please I'm begging you I'll tell everyone in my own time that's if it makes it past 12 weeks, it's safe after 12 for the most part " he looks me up and down seeing how stressed I am.

Without saying another word he walks up to me embracing me in a hug " don't worry darling it can be our little secret, don't stress that little head of yours I know it will all work out, I'm gonna be a fucking uncle " he plants a small kiss on my head. And I can't help but fall apart in his arms with some kind of relief, someone knows now, the burden of the situation wasn't as heavy anymore because someone else was carrying it with me.

" are you sure you don't mind keeping this from Emily? " I ask wiping my tears and pulling away from him " I mean she'll probably be mad about it, but what can I do you're my best friend too lu, part of our family now. You have my word I promise, uh just let me know if you need anything in the meantime you have my number. " he smiles before giving my arm a squeeze and heading out the room.

I take a moment to catch my breath and process my thoughts, someone else knows and didn't freak out and actually seemed happy for me. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad in the long run, maybe we could have a huge family to love you little b and keep you safe.

I love ol you can see why him and Emily are well suited both kind and compassionate souls.

This is a double update make sure you've read both chapters
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-H xo

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