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Luna Warrington:

I'm sat at my makeup vanity in our room the lamp dimly lit besides me being the only source of light with it being late evening, with Polaroid photos scattered around the desk of me holding my bump, I'm smiling in them but you can see it's a incredibly fake smile.

The open scrap book rests in front of me as I jot down the words week 14 baby is now the size of a kiwi, and my bump is a bit more noticeable now. I take breaks every now and then just to let out a huge sigh, I shouldn't have to be doing this to show Dom what he's missing, he should be stood next to me in these dam photos.

He should be experiencing what I'm experiencing in real time, seeing my bump grow daily getting excited about the mile stones we hit each week, but instead I'm having to pour all my dam feelings into this stupid bloody book.

I know it's not stupid I just feel stupid doing it because I want nothing more for him to wake up, yesterday I really thought he was going to. Today even when I visited I was expecting to walk in to see him sat up right showing me his cheesy wide smile.

But nope same as yesterday and the day before that, just sound asleep looking peaceful as ever, I couldn't bring myself to go this afternoon. I didn't want to deal with the disappointment of seeing him not moving again, so the guys went on my behalf leaving me alone in the apartment.

I feel like I've let him down not showing up for one afternoon but I physically couldn't take the pain of seeing him not awake again today, but I'll go tomorrow and apologise that's if he can even hear me.

I finish sticking in the photos of me into the book slamming it shut, I head down the steps feeling the cool metal hit my bare feet. I should probably eat something I haven't really been eating right since yesterday my nervous stomach putting me off but it's not just me anymore who I need to eat for.

Opening up the fridge I spot Ol's leftover pizza box, not the healthiest but I'll take it. I pull out the box and bite into the cold plain cheese pizza, whilst walking over to the dining room table.

This is the first time I've ever really sat and looked over both Ol and Adams notes, seeing the different phone numbers jotted down some being crossed out signalling that is was a dead end on a lead.

I continue chewing on my pizza as I scan the many notes, the little mind maps Adam has drawn with different peoples names from what I assume to be the gang. There's one number left that hasn't been crossed out with a red star next to it and the name Shawn.

That must be the next lead they were going to follow, I wonder why there's a red star next to it and nobody else's name, I lift up the paper seeing another little map of peoples names. All the names have different coloured lines leading to different people.

My eyes instantly trail to follow the red line from Shawn's name seeing who or where it will lead me to then I see the name James smith making my stomach turn and the palms of my hands begin to sweat.

What the fuck.

Do Adam and Ol think James has something to do with this? He's locked up behind bars and has a restraining order against any contact with us. If he even uttered mine or Dom's name he'd be fucked, it can't be him.

My head starts to spin I had too many questions right now to think straight. I pull my phone from my pocket typing in the phone number and calling it.

My breath hitches with anxiety but I had to push my way through it as I need to figure this out, just when I think there's going to be no answer a man with a thick Yorkshire accent picks up.

" hello, who's this? " he says coldly into the phone catching me off guard, I'm panicking now I didn't think what I would even say to him I just needed all the noise in my head to stop.

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