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Luna Warrington

The curtain drops like it has done the night before the cheering and screaming overwhelms me this time, but I put on a brave face and begin to play as the love of my life bounces around the stage giving it his all like it's the last performance of his life.

Half way through the show my chest becomes tight as I hear the screams for Dom, I close my eyes feeling anxious but flash backs from the ball fill my mind the screaming of the guests as James was shot, the screaming from myself as Dom lifeless body was ripped from my arms.

I open my eyes and try ground myself a little telling myself I'm here and I'm safe, the crowd begins to clap along with the song which sounds like thunder to me in this sensitive state, I begin to panic and without a second thought I set down my guitar and run off stage.

I slide down the wall shaking and curl up into a ball clutching my legs to my chest as I rock myself back and forth trying to control my breaths, no one has noticed I've left the stage yet maybe some worried fans but Dom has all his attention on them.

I feel a huge pair of hands grab me pulling me to my feet, holding me like I'm a child as they walk down the hall the familiar scent of him that's thrown me off many times before fills my nose. I slowly open my tear filled blurry eyes to see Oli.

He pushes open his dressing room door and places me on the sofa, " hey- hey it's okay I've got you " he rubs my back and moved the hair from my face as I return back to the fetal position, " i- I don't know what's happening " I sob my body now shaking like it was going into shock.

" try breath Luna okay, look at me and breath you're having a panic attack it's okay you're safe " I look at him through my blurred vision, trying to focus on his hazel eyes and breath out shaky breaths.

Then Dom comes bursting through the door full of sweat, and worry plastered all over his face. He instantly runs over to me getting on his knees so we are eye level, " dom the show! " Oli barks at Dom knowing he'd walked off for a moment.

" fuck the show! What's wrong baby " he grabs my face making me look at him and I'm still shaking unable to speak right now, " she's having a panic attack Dom it's okay I can calm her just go back there's two songs left " Oli pulls Dom away from me for a moment giving me room to breathe.

He looks between me and oli I can tell he's conflicted right now he has a job to do but he also doesn't want to leave my side, " fucking promise me she'll be okay" he stands to his feet now pointing at Ol, " I promise now get back out there before Tom kills you " he pats Dom shoulder and sends him on his way.

I couldn't speak I was trapped in my mind replaying what happened that night, any kind of bang would make me shudder in fear, why now why is this happening I thought I was fine, this can't happen. I begin to bellow out as I sob, oli grabs a towel and begins to wet it to dab on my head as my temperature has shot up.

" Luna I know you're scared right now but you need to try calm down the stress can hurt the baby " he whispers to calmly to me, he's not panicking like Dom was he knew exactly what to do.

" ok" I manage to mutter out I slowly unravel my limbs from my body, and lay down on my back trying to slow my breathing a bit better, " see you've got this you're in control " Ol sits on the floor next to me slowly stroking my hair to ground me.

Dom returns but before he can rush over and panic again Ol gets up and shoved him out of the room, at first I can hear shouting which makes me cry again, but after 5 minutes they both return in the room Dom more calm and collected now. He takes Oli's previous spot on the floor and begins kissing my head and stroking my hair.

" it's okay baby I'm here now, I'm sorry I had to leave you're safe I promise " my breath is back to normal but still a little shaky, I turn to face him placing my hand on his cheek looking into his olive eyes the feeling of calm washes over my body, he's here and he is safe, we are.

" you're safe " I whispered like he wasn't really here, I had to touch him so I wasn't seeing things again, " baby what happened " his expression is troubled with his brows furrowed together, " the screaming, the noise-the uh clapping " I tumble over my words trying to explain what happened.

" it's okay Princess take your time " I breathe out slow but quivering breaths as tears appear again, " I closed my eyes and I wasn't here I was back there with him, and you-you were shot and I - I couldn't help " my body begins trembling now as I relive that moment again.

He brings both my hands to his face understanding what I'm saying now, " I'm here, I am real and I am safe, you're safe, we are safe " he reaches out his hand and subconsciously places it on my stomach and I begin to cry again this time with relief.

Oli just stands in the corner watching the whole thing unfold, not knowing what to do with himself, I'm absolutely exhausted my body feels like a dead weight and my mind is fuzzy.

Dom lifts me up into him carrying me out of the venue and into the car, I don't speak I just let his scent and the safety feeling of being in his arms engulf me. My eyes are sore from crying and my head hurts so I take a moment to shut my eyes and sleep as Dom whispers sweet nothings into my ear as I lay on his lap.

Dom Harrison:

I put luna's tired limp body to bed and tuck her in planting a small kiss on her head, I wanted to curl up next to her protect her as she looked so fragile so small, but my mind was swimming with what she told me.

I walk out of my room leaving the door open an inch and go find Emily and Oli who are bickering in the living room next to a worried looking Adam, they stop as soon as they see me. " is she okay " Emily looks at me with a guilt ridden face, " she is for now but I don't know " I sit myself down on the sofa and open my whisky pouring myself and Ol, and Adam leaving out Emily on purpose.

" you, you should of been there with her emily, where the fuck were you anyway if it wasn't for Ol I don't know what she would of done in her panicked state " I point at her annoyed, knowing full well she's been absent lately, she may think I don't notice these things but I do.

She trips up over her words unable to speak instead she runs up to her room avoiding the question, I'll deal with her later " i fucked up again I didn't even notice she was gone " Adam looks down at the floor, " you were on stage mate you both were I only found her because I was trying to get some snap shots from the side of the stage " Ol sips his whiskey.

" Oli told me she had some kind of flash back to James, it's all my fucking fault if I didn't send her home she would be okay, she'd be happy and healthy and okay " Adam punches the table and I instantly jump up and stop him. " stop it don't wake her, what's done is done Adam you played a small part in this James did the damage " I sigh laying my head back on the sofa looking up.

" she's got PTSD Dom we've seen the signs before...in we'll you know " I cut him off " me, you've seen these attacks in me when you first met me, I saw that fear in lu's eyes and I know it all too well " I start to well up and think how afraid she must of been, she was in a place of joy and that all came crashing down around her.

That's the thing about trauma it can strike at any moment, anything can trigger your mind back into the darkest places of it. I'm going to help her process this, I'll lay myself bare and show her she can get better she can make it through she's strong, resilient she has a lot of fight my girl.

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