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This chapter may be triggering for some, so here's a trigger warning

Luna Warrington

With shaky sweaty palms I enter the room but Dom's no where in sight, i whip my head around looking for him until I hear the faint trickling sound of the shower from the bathroom in our room. I let out rhe breath I was holding, he's just showering, it's okay I tell myself.

I can talk to him after he probably needs to be alone right now, i perch myself on the side of the bed eyes glued to the bathroom door trying to work out what to stay to him.

I don't want to scare him away from me, I don't want him to push me away because all I want to do is help, I've been sat on the bed for 5 minutes but it feels like 5 hours, this dread in the pit of my stomach is growing more and more as the second tick by.

Something doesn't feel right I haven't heard a sound from Dom besides the sounds of the shower, something isn't right I tell myself, I stand walking over to the door I place my ear to the cold wood trying to hear anything a sigh, a squeeze of a shampoo bottle, anything that tells me he's okay and just needs some time and he's okay.

But I don't hear anything just the slow patter of he water, mixed with the sound of my heart beating out of my chest, I knock on the door calling his name in hopes he says anything, I'll even take a groan at this point but minuets pass of me knocking and calling through the door.

The dread in my stomach feels like a size of a bowling ball right now, I can't wait any longer what if he's hurt? Holding my breath yet again I reach for the handle and push my way into the bathroom.

Steam covers the room, hitting me in the face as I enter, the shower curtain is neatly drawn and part of me hopes he was just ignoring me. I step closer to the shower curtain, feeling tense my socks become damp from the condensation lining the tiles of the bath room.

God this feels like something out of a horror movie, me slowly pacing towards the shower not knowing what's waiting for me behind it. I call out his name once more incase he is showering, and I don't want to scare him.

My whole body feels like it's going in slow motion, but as I was about to reach out and pull the shower curtain back something catches my eye on the bathroom counter, the mirror fogged with words written in the condensation " don't save me, I'm too fucked up " I frown at the words until I see the pills on the counter scattering across the surface some crushed some still in a little orange pill bottle.

Then it hits me fear crashes into me, he's trying to kill himself. Fuck no he can't, the message was left for me because he knew I'd try save him, I snap my body towards the shower pulling back the curtain to see Dom's body laid in a fetal position, his skin is ghostly white his eyes barely open and his lips painted blue like death was moment away from kissing him.

He's fully clothed the shower water beating down on him, I scream out in horror seeing his body limp the light in his eyes slowly going out. " DOM BABY NO " I shout over the water, I get in shower fully clothed not caring and pull his body into me I start to scream in hopes someone will hear me.

" baby open your eyes stay with me if you can " I'm behind him his back pressed to my chest, his head floppy from side to side as I try shake him to stay conscious.

His eyes slowly peer open looking up at me, his lips begin to tremble I hold his face in my hands trying to keep him warm, his body is ice cold despite the warm water trailing over us. " baby hold on please keep your eyes open " tears spill over as I try stay calm but I can't for the second time Dom is slowly fading away in my arms.

He didn't want to be saved, he wanted to die I wanted to scream at him to tell him how selfish he is for leaving everyone behind including me and the baby.

Adam and Oli rush into the bedroom shock written all over their face as they look at the scene before them, " DONT JUST FUCKING STAND THEIR CALL AN AMBULANCE " I scream, they both hurry out of the room without saying a word.

" you-you need to let me go " Dom tries to speak for the first time, his eyes are decorated with black circles under them his skin so pale it was almost like he was already gone, just the ghost of him besides me haunting me.

" no I will not let you go don't you fucking say that you need to stay " I sob clutching at him harder, trying to heat him up with my body heat.

" I have nothing " he mutters and I almost become angry until he finishes his sentence " to give you anymore " he eyes are fighting to stay open and it's tearing me apart.

" you do, you have so much love to give me not just to me but to our baby Dom you can't fucking leave me I'm fucking pregnant " I cry out, he doesn't react and when I open my eyes his are closed like he's given up fight, did he even hear what I said? I hope a part of him is still fighting somewhere inside if he heard my words.

" no, no no no " I begin to say over and over shaking his lifeless body trying to wake him up, but he doesn't, his body is limp he's breathing is so shallow you can barely see it.

A team of paramedics rush into the room they act quick taking Dom from my arms, pull him onto a stretcher, " what did he take " one of them asks me as the other works on Dom.

I can't even speak I just point to the counter top watching as the other paramedic checks for a heart beat " he's crashing we need to shock him now " one says, I pinch my eyes shut unable to watch as they cut Dom's clothes from his body to expose his chest, his body is now as pale as snow.

His body is covered in bruises and cuts from where he was jumped just hours ago, he hates himself I know that now. He couldn't bare to live with his demons anymore, they won this time not even me could fight them off.

I'm still sat in the shower the hot water attacking my skin but all I feel is cold inside and out. I watch as they try shock Dom back to life, his body jerking slightly underneath the paddles, I hold my breath as they have a heart monitor hooked up to him and he's flat lined.

" again " one paramedic shouts, I shut my eyes the sound of the shower and constant ring from the monitor flat lining fills my ears, this can't be fucking real this can't be fucking real I say to myself.

I can't breath, I'm uncontrollably shaking and watching the horror fold out before me. Please, please please I whisper clutching my legs to my chest as they go to shock him again.

I don't look, until I hear a heart beat on the monitor again " he's back, we need to get him in the ambulance before he crashes again " I watch through watery eyes as they strap Dom's lifeless body to the stretcher but he's still breathing, he could be saved.

I go to stand trying to demand I go with them until one paramedic stops and looks at me in shock, I hunch over a sharp pain in my stomach causing me to cry out. " ma'am are you hurt you're bleeding " he rushes over to me.

I look now to see the fresh crimson colour now painting my thighs, and running now the plug hole. Fuck fuck fuck.

" no no I'm pregnant, I'm 10 weeks fuck " I cry at the pain again, " okay try stay calm the stress of what you just witnessed may be causing you to have a miscarriage, come with me you need to be checked too "

And just like that both me and Dom are wheeled into the back of the ambulance, horror is painted on the faces of Ol, Adam and Emily, they demand to come with us but there's no room back here.

I'm laid next to Dom on my own stretcher his heart monitor beeping soothes my stress knowing he's still with me, I reach my shaky hand out to hold his cold and clammy one as we are rushed away to the hospital.

I hate myself too sorry.

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