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Luna Warrington

I unhook my body from Dom's, his arms heavy and covered in sweat and beer from the night before he looks like a sweet Angel as he sleeps, his breaths heavy as he's in deep slumber unaware I'm sneaking out to check on our unborn child.

" I love you " I whisper planting a kiss on his cheek, I text Ol saying I'll be ready in 5, throwing my hair up and putting on a black track suit and sunglasses. Trying to not get recognised in the clinic, I've ask Ol to do the same.

The news and the fans swarm the whole team now not just Dom since James trail, they all want information on where we go they follow like a pack of hungry wolves just out to sell a story, so we need to sneak around.

Oli waits for me in the car I was later then I should of been thanks to throwing up, luckily I can pass this off as hangover. " I'm sorry I'm a bit late, this morning sickness is killing me " I say whilst slamming the car door of Olis black out tinted car. " it's no worries, so what are we going for today? " he asks driving away from the house double checking there's no one waiting for us.

" I'm not really sure it's all new to me, it's now 6 weeks I'm sorry you've been dragged into this away from Emily " I say with a guilty conscience on my mind, " don't be she's been distant lately anyway, maybe it's the tour I don't know, anyway I'd do anything to help and step in well until Dom's knows " he smiles at me a kinda sad smile I know all too well.

" distant? You seemed pretty close at the party last night when I saw you in the hallway " I mutter confused, " I barely saw Emily last night and whoever you saw with her with wasn't me " he ducks his head in some kind of shame.

If only he could see how wide my eyes are behind these sunglasses " wait " he cuts me off " we are in an open relationship remember we can have more then one partner, I know she's been seeing someone for a while but she won't tell me who. It hasn't bothered me until now because she's been distant kinda hurts a man's ego " he laughs a sad chuckle.

" I'm - im sorry Ol I thought it was you I didn't see who, and maybe talk to her? " I place my hand over his on the gear stick for some kind of comfort. " it's a convo for a later date maybe let's focus on you, making sure you and little b are alright okay darling " he smiles wrapping his thumb over my hand on the gear stick.

It's weird we are both isolated in different problems right now, and we both needed one another. I thought if anything I'd be going through this kind of thing with Emily, but like Ol said she's been distant from us, not just me.

We pull up to the clinic the one I found out I was pregnant as nerves swim in my stomach as I walk up to it's glass doors with Ol by my side, he rushes to open the door for me " I'm not incapable of doing things for myself just yet " I laugh and he shrugs, who knew this 6ft odd tattooed rugged man could be so chivalrous.

" appointment for Luna Warrington " I place my hand on the counter, and the women from the other day looks me up and down this time and looks at the ring on my finger " soon to be Harrison huh " she laughs under her breath handing me the form, I look at Oli confused, I swear that was some kind of low key dig but maybe I'm sensitive.

" listen lady you're talking to an up coming rock star and one of the best guitarist you've ever seen, I'd bite your tongue if I was you or do I need to talk to your management about how you treat people " he slams his hands on the counter.

She looks at Oli shocked " uh I'm sorry miss  Warrington it won't happen again " she bows her head in embarrassment and I walk away thanking Ol, I'm too shy to stand up for myself. " you didn't have to do that " i whispered whilst filling out the form.

" people need to be put in their places Luna this is a hard life to live I know " News of mine and Dom engagement has reached the media, so I'm guessing that's why the women behind the desk was so cold with me. It's a hard life being engaged to a up and coming rock star, you're like marmite people either adore you or hate you, and I'm guessing this is the latter out of pure jealousy, I bet she only said sorry because she finds Ol attractive.

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