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Two days later...

I wake up snuggled in the sheets the familiar masculine scent fills my nose and a blanket of warmth is wrapped around me in the form of some strong arms. I let out a little happy relaxed sigh, " good morning darling " a groggy voice says, my eyes snap open to see I'm not in Dom's room and the arms around me aren't his instead they are littered in tattoos.

I glance up looking at Oli smiling at me, he doesn't look shocked at all to see me in his arms instead of Emily, I was about to ask where Emily was until I felt a cold nose nuzzle into my back and small arms wrap around my waist. I completely forgot I was still sharing a bed with Emily and Ol, this is the second morning in a row I've woken up wrapped up in both them. Each morning until I open my eyes I forgot where I am, maybe it's because Ol and Dom share everything from shower products to aftershave so the scent throws me off and I think I'm in his arms.

We don't fall asleep like this in fact the past two nights I've gone to bed first avoiding Dom, he's tried to speak to me but I said I needed some space, and he's so far respected that for which I'm thankful. Emily and Ol must climb into bed and cocoon me in cuddles whilst I sleep, I don't mind though they're both my best friends but if Dom saw me wrapped up in Oli's arms he would probably pop a blood vessel.

This jealous streak is something he needs to work on, but how can he be jealous, us being apart these past two days made me realise how fast paced we moved, how I'm not even his girlfriend to him or the public eye. So whilst he has thousands of fans lusting after him, I can find comfort in my male best friends arms for now.

I felt a small tickle of fingers on my back which made me laugh " LA today baby! " Emily pulled me away from Oli's arms and squeezed me so tightly out of excitement. " sorry " I muttered noticing Emily saw me clung to Ol two mornings in a row and I felt some what guiltily. I sat up away from them both looking at my phone, 8.05am the time reads, we have a private plane waiting for us at 9.30 so we need to get a move on, just as I expected no texts from Dom.

I climb out of the comfort of the sheets and stand and stretch looking back at Emily who looks confused, " what " I ask looking back her puzzled she props herself up on her elbows, " why are you sorry? " she asks in a tone so soft, " oh uh urm " I don't say I just look at Ol who's looking back at me equally as confused.

" OH ohhhh for cuddling Ol, don't be! You know we are an open relationship and you were snuggling us both in the night, who knew you were such a cuddly person " she smiles at me, making my face flush with embarrassment, " righttt, can I use your shower I need to freshen up before this long ass flight " i make my way to the bathroom.

As I step into the shower thoughts of Dom from the other night cloud my mind like the steam in the room, I know he wants to protect me but by protecting me he's also taking away my freedom which I won't have happen to me again, he's been asking Emily and Oli for updates on me as I haven't really left their room not wanting to face him until I have to.

And I guess a 13hour flight is the best place to have a uncomfortable conversation as none of us have no where to run, no where to hide. I step out of the shower letting the cool air hit my face, all my stuff is in Dom's room so I have no other option to go in now, I need to pack and get dressed. I let out a sigh as I wrap my towel around me unlocking the door.

I walk out to Emily and Ol giggling underneath the covers " oh Christ I was gone for 10 minutes guys Jesus, that's my cue to leave " I shield my eyes before making my way to the door and holding my towel " sorry Lu! " I hear Emily giggle as I leave the room and walk down the hall.

I stand at Dom's bedroom door my hand hovers over the handle and I take a deep breath bracing myself to see him again, just as I was about to reach for the handle the door flys open, Dom stands there his brown hair now red a flame red again. Pushed back, wet from the shower.

His green olive eyes burn into mine and I almost drop my towel in shock at how stunning he looks, " uh sorry hi " I say standing aside to let him past me, but he doesn't walk he doesn't move he just looks at me his eyes start flooding with tears. " I'm so fucking sorry " he says with a shaky voice.

All my anger is washed away with his tears and I push him back into the room closing the door and holding him to my body, he starts uncontrollably shaking and sobbing in my arms, regretful of what he's done. I can't cry anymore so I let him cry for the both of us.

" I know baby, I know " i hold him tighter showing I care, he pulls away his once bright eyes now clouded and bloodshot, looking at him in the early morning light now showed how tired he truly was and it broke my heart a little. " we still need to talk about everything but for right now we are okay, okay? " he sits on the bed and I cup his chin making him look at me.

" okay" he whispers, and I lightly plant his lips on mine. " uh I need to pack we leave soon " I look around the room noticing my suitcases were already out. Opening the draws I notice all my stuff is gone, I turn around to Dom looking puzzled. " I couldn't sleep so I packed it last night, I got everything even left something out for you to wear on the flight " he turns around and picks up some neatly folded black clothes.

I can't help but feel my heart swell and smile, he just cares that's all. He cares too much and he's not out to hurt me, or control me his actions come from a place of concern not harm like James and I feel terrible for even comparing the two of them in my head two nights ago.

I missed him, I didn't know how much until I saw him again, he was in his black tracksuit still wearing his pink socks which made me smile. drying his hair with a towel I took the opportunity to drop mine. He looks slightly startled for a moment " Luna " he warns as I stalk towards him.

I push him back on the bed straddling his lap " I missed you, I missed the feel of you " he bites his bottom lip whilst looking into my eyes. " baby as much I want to and believe me I do, I think we need to talk first I don't want you to regret me later " he says grabbing a matching black hoody to his and pulling it over my head.

Ouch, that kinda hurt being rejected by the one man who would never turn down sex, " did you just reject me, am I loosing my touch " I pout at him. " I'm not rejecting I'm simply postponing " he pecks my lips and I smile. I know what he means sex would be incredible right now, and I'm a little jealous of those two getting action next door, I have think with my head not with what's between my legs even if is killing me.

" sorry and I'd never regret you, not for one moment " I smile climbing off him and grabbing my underwear and pants and throwing them on. He gives me that cheesy grin I love so much and his hair is now fluffy from the towel, " your red hair, it uh " he cuts me off " looks good, drives you crazy, reminds of you when I first cornered you like this " he pushes my back against the bedroom door, his nose touching mine and his lips brushing past mine.

He lowers his lips to my ear " princess " I push him away slapping his shoulder playfully, " ugh you're such a tease " he smiles at me playfully.

" cars here " Adam shouts through the door at us both, not coming in clearly scared to see someone naked again, I open the door to him standing there in black jeans and denim jacket. " jeans really man it's a long flight " Dom says bags and suitcase in hand.

" gotta look good for the paps Yano" Adam slides his sunglasses on his face, walking away looking all smug.

" paps" I turn to Dom looking confused I mean we had a couple follow us round before but Adams acting like there's a whole mob of them waiting for us. Dom disappeared into the bedroom returning with two pairs of sunglasses, " almost murdered, back from the dead rock star baby, I haven't been seen since I went into the hospital " he smiles handing me a pair of glasses.

" oh " I say as we head out of the door into the blacked out car to the airport, Emily and Oli were already waiting for us with their own pair of sunglasses clearly they got the memo I didn't.

As we drive to Manchester airport I look fondly as we leave Doncaster, a little place to heal out of the public eye with my little family, a home away from home.

LA and the tours are back baby for now. Please vote and comment

- H

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