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Luna Warrington

Landing LA I'm glad we slept most of the way because it was now 2pm here meaning I wouldn't be as jet lagged as I thought, walking off the plane in to the humid LA heat I rush to Emily to ask her something that was playing on my mind before I fell asleep in the comfort of Dom's arms.

" hey em, this is a bit random but you've been here before lots right and you're like the only girl friend I've ever had can I ask you something? " I say keeping my voice low as we walk through the airport, Dom was trailing behind me dealing with the paps again talking to Adam and Ol.

" of course babe " Emily smiles at me hooking her arm on to mine to keep us close, " well I kinda need to get the morning after pill, travelling so much we don't always have you know protection " I whisper again. She chuckles to herself " oh babe don't go all shy on me now, not when the whole plane heard you screaming Dom's name " she side eyes me with a playful smile on her lips.

I widen my eyes in horror " WHAT " I shout, feeling my face warm up from how much I'm blushing right now. " don't worry Adam had headphones on and was asleep but yeah me and Ol heard everything sounded like a good time and you two certainly made up " she winks at me.

If we weren't in an airport full of paps I'd probably run away from how mortified I feel, Emily senses it and pulls us into a little coffee shop so it's just us now " don't be embarrassed it's natural also about the pill I'm sure one time won't affect you, but I'd suggest you'd get the implant or go on the pill like me! " she smiles before ordering us and the boys some coffee.

" the implant sounds good I've heard it before it goes in your arm right? Could you help me make an appointment " I take the iced coffee from her letting the cold from the ice cool my hands down, a Yorkshire gal like me isn't used to this kind of heat. " of course I will after all you don't want a baby, you're not even dating yet and you've got your whole life ahead of you plus I don't even think Dom wants kids " she smiles at me heading out of the door, leaving my stomach churning from her words.

I know right now it wouldn't be right to have a child, but I know one day I'd love to be a mother and show my parents how a child should be raised with so much care and love. Emily also sounded like it was some kind of warning, she's been around Dom a lot longer then me and she's right we aren't officially together, even though the word love is being thrown around all the time between us.

I push what she's said to the back of my mind and decide it's a problem for another time, way in the future when I know what's going on with me and Dom, and to enjoy being happy and free on tour together, I follow her out of the coffee shop into Dom's arms.

" so what's the plan then? " I ask him giving his lips a little peck " meeting with Tom followed by settling in maybe some drinks at my LA home? " he grins at me like a Cheshire Cat, I know he means party and not causal drinks nothing about Dom is causal.


Our bags where taken to Dom's home here the apartment is big enough for us all to stay in, but we were on our way to a quick meeting with Tom and some lunch, we all had to be there to discuss tour, the set list even what merch that was so be sold.

Arriving at a cute little cafe Tom was already sat down with his laptop open ready to discuss details of everything, this is my first time at a business meeting so I was fascinated to see what kind of things we'd discuss.

We all take a seat around Tom who looks stressed, " sooo you've made quite a storm in the headlines and on social media, but I've guessed you've seen Luna " he looks at me taking me by surprise. " me? Oh no I haven't been on my phone since before take off " I say my tone shaky and face worried.

" everyone knows who you are, they know you are James ex and you were held against your will, they think Dom was almost killed because of your forbidden relationship or whatever it is you two are " I look at Dom who looks back at me annoyed, " what the fuck are people saying " he snaps at Tom.

" they're saying you're the couple of the year, how your love for one another kept you both alive in the darkest of times and they adore you together. And your little stunt at the airport had fans raving over you " tom finally cracked a smile showing he was glad and not annoyed, I stand up feeling the room becoming too hot all of a sudden and feeling like the walls were closing in on me.

" I'm just going to take a moment " I walk out of the cafe leaving them behind to discuss whatever else they needed to, fumbling for my phone I check social media, Instagram has gone insane my followers have blown up and people are commenting about how brave I am, but I'm not brave this didn't make me feel brave I wasn't a witness in court because I didn't want everyone to know about what happened to me.

It made me feel naked, small and vulnerable to the world, I don't know how this got out about me and James. But I'm absolutely crushed, it's a part of me I wanted to leave behind, now it's very much in my face and looks like it will be part of me forever, the comments are sweet the ones about me and Dom make me smile, but I feel nothing but dread.

Dom comes out after me as I didn't come back in, sitting next to me on the bench I've plonked myself on, he doesn't say anything he just rubs my back and pulls me into him. Before finally muttering the words " I'm sorry " I look at him confused, " why are you sorry you didn't do anything ".

He cups my face in his hands " if I didn't say anything at the airport then maybe people wouldn't have gone digging and found out what happened for that I'm truly sorry I keep messing up " his eyes dart back and forth at mine looking for sign that I'm going to forgive him. But the thing is I have nothing to forgive him for, he saved me without him I wouldn't be here, healthy and happy again.

He saved me from a monster and a life of ruin and misery, and for that I will be forever grateful. " you have nothing to be sorry for you saved me from that life Dom and if this the small price I have to pay for being with you in the spotlight and safe I'll take it "

Ashorter chapter but please vote and comment also happy new year!
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