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Luna Harrison:

Weeks later and a very sweet honey moon spent in the mountains in a cabin in the woods with the love of my life, and Adam, Ol and Emily because for some reason I wanted them there. Maybe it's because just weeks maybe even days from now mine and Dom's life will change forever, and we won't be able to see our little family as much as we want to anymore when we become parents.

we're home now the interview was posted just days ago, we didn't know what to expect. Maybe some backlash maybe some praise for being strong but the overwhelming love and support that has swept through social media have warmed places of my heart I didn't know we're still cold from James.

Myself and Dom hold our heads high now when we are out on the streets, before we hid behind masks of fake smiles and sunglasses trying not to grab attention. But now it's different, the world feels lighter even on the darkest stormy days, we are free from the shackles of our past.

Social media has shown nothing but admiration to me and Dom, the tickets to his show fundraising the shelter sold out in seconds. Dom's found a building back in Doncaster where he's started renovating it, of course it's hard him being a ocean away so he's spent a lot of the time on FaceTime or calls late at night trying to organise everything.

when he spoke of the idea in the interview my heart almost burst with pride, I couldn't hold back my emotions I still can't when I think about how much good he's put in the world.

I hope he knows I still love every part of his soul even the dark parts he claims to have and still hate and so does the world now they know, they've made a deeper connection to him now more then ever.

I'm sat besides Emily in the garden in the shade avoiding the summer heat whilst the boys are having some well needed time off from planning the shelter and fundraising gig, they're splashing around in the pool like idiots as Emily watches and laughs.

I've become uncomfortably large at this point to the point I need help getting out of chairs, the bath and doing up my laces. I'm hoping the little one stays put until after Dom's gig next week so I can watch him flourish in his natural environment on stage once more.

" can you believe we made it out? " Emily sighs happily besides me, cocktail in her hand whilst I stick to my water.

" what do you mean? " I lift my sunglasses to look at her, the heat here in LA is unbearable in the summer even more so being pregnant, so my feet are submerged into a bowl of ice cold water to try keep me cool.

" just everything you being taken by James, Adam forbidding yours and Dom's relationship at the start, you sneaking around with Dom it's only been a year and I feel like we've lived through a life time of events, if you told me at least 6 months ago when you were missing and Adam and Dom weren't speaking that you'd be pregnant and married I would of asked what kind of drugs you were on " she chuckled to herself.

" love can get you through anything, the thought of Dom kept me alive and I hope, no I know the thought of me kept him alive too " I smile to myself sipping my water.

" I never thought Ol would ask me to marry him, not after everything with Tom "

" I almost forgot about your little fling with Tom, it was just a rough patch we all go through them, I do have a confession though " I bite my lower lip remembering back to the time Oli tried to kiss me in my room all those months ago when his heart was broken and he was missing his soul mate.

" I know Lu, he told me instantly and he told Dom too, he got punched was rather funny to see. " I look at her with eyes wide.

" wait what when did that happen? "

" a couple weeks after Dom came out of his coma, Oli was guilt ridden and sat us both down to talk, he told me how he felt alone and the only light in his life was you, he sought after the comfort you provided and mistook your kind actions as something more " she sips her drink and continues.

" at that point Dom charged at him and they were running around the dining room table as Oli pleaded with Dom to let him explain, that the kiss never happened and it was a moment of weakness out of loneliness and he'd never do that ever again, Dom looked like he calmed down but the second Oli stopped running he lamped him one " I raise my eyebrows in shock and cast my eyes over to the pool where Oli and Dom are now happily laughing together.

" surprised he still has his head on his shoulders if I'm honest "

" I didn't need to forgive him as there was nothing to forgive it was my actions that lead to his, if anything I should be saying sorry to you Lu " she reaches over the deck chair and pats my hand.

" no need I just seemed to end up in impossible situations back then, glad it's over with " I sigh relaxing back into my chair.

" he's right you know "

" who's right? "

" Oli you really are the light in the dark for all of us, you held us all together through everything, despite all the bad that's happened to you, you're still you. You've had your soul shattered by countless people yet you still see the good in the world we all need a Luna in our life" she smiled at me getting up from her chair and giving me a light hug.

My emotions take over and I begin to sob into Emily's shoulder, not from sadness no. Because I'm happy, lately all the tears I've shed have been happy ones it's a relief to feel joy so much it brings you to tears.

Filler chapter as the next two will be the end of the book and it's gonna take me some time to get it right


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