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Luna Warrington:

Sat on the edge of the bed surrounding by fairy lights and candles I've lit, I fiddle with the silk tie of my dressing gown nervously waiting for Dom to come back.

Under the silky fabric is the green lace lingerie set I picked out yesterday, the nerves I feel have now grown wings and flutter around my stomach like butterfly's as I look at the text Dom sent me 5 minutes ago saying he'd be back home with me in 10, I don't know why I'm so incredibly nervous about this I think I'm more nervous then I was the first time I slept with him.

I'm scared incase he will reject me least I knew back then he wanted me, he made that very clear but now he shows me nothing but loving affection not sexual attention I've been craving so bad from him, as a little throw back to when we first met I clipped red extensions into my hair which are currently curled into my dark brown locks. My eyes are Smokey with black eyeshadow that make my crystal blue eyes pop and my lips are my favourite shade of red.

I've done my hair and makeup like how I used to go all the time for tour, back when me and Dom were fooling around with one another in secret. I hear the door downstairs slam shut meaning he's home, I start to regret this as soon as I hear it.

I dart my way off the bed trying to hide I run to our bathroom, but stop myself at the closed door I haven't been in this bathroom since, well since that night I'm scared if I go in memories I don't ever want back will haunt me and flood my mind again so I avoid the bathroom all together and use the one down the hall, which is incredibly annoying when you pee 10 times a night because a baby is pressing on your bladder.

I scan the room hearing Dom's foot steps grow closer and louder, I run across the room and shove myself into the small built into wardrobe we have. I close the door leaving a small gap so I can wait for Dom to walk in and then leave, I plan on changing the second he leaves not wanting him to see me wearing this. This was a bad idea, I was so scared of being rejected right now I'd rather hide in a wardrobe the face my own fiancé.

Seconds later Dom enters the room I see him looking around the room his eyes trailing along the candles and fairy lights, he looked confused. I see him disappear into our bathroom for a moment before coming back out.

" Luna? " he looked utterly baffled to where I could be, I felt so stupid watching him from here like I was a child waiting to be found in a game of hide and seek.

He pulls out his phone bringing it to his ear, my phone on the bed rings and he slowly walks towards it like it was going to jump up and bite him. He picks up my phone scanning the room again, his confusion has turned into the worry I can see it written all over his face.

He begins to pace the small space of our bedroom room, " no no no no, this can't be happening not again " he whispers to himself, brows pinched together as he runs his hand through his hair from worry.

I can't take this anymore, I can't take watching him worry over me thinking something bad had happened again, I swallow my embarrassment and push my way out of the wardrobe abit too suddenly scaring Dom in the process as he began to scream and jump back.

" what the fuck Luna that wasn't funny " he holds his hand to his chest, trying to catch his breath from how startled he was.

I can't help but let a small smile creep up on my lips, he looked adorable in his shocked state, his face was a mixture of annoyance and relief, annoyed because he thought I was playing some prank on him but relieved I was okay.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you " I whispered out, looking at the ground wanting it to swallow me whole, I now have to explain what the hell I was doing in there.

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