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Luna Warrington:

It's been a week of hell since the news broke about me and Dom they've laced the headlines with lies of venom just to try make me and Dom look like evil people, Dom hasn't turned back to drinking instead he's just been sleeping a lot, which I'm thankful for but I'm also worried he could spiral at any given moment.

That happy glow and spark for life that was in his eyes is now dim it's still there but not burning as bright as it once was, this time he hasn't shut me out instead he craves me at all times. He needs me close like I'm a safety net for him incase he does fall, and this time he's letting me catch him.

The news article spread around about us being murders was a web of lies, they took the idea of Dom being in the gang and the video that was leaked of him beating someone up and my ex being the leader of the the gang and twisted it into that we are leading some kind of double life's. You know singer song writer by day, killing people by night.It was stupid and I was tired of Dom being painted black all the time when he's really golden.

Dom is passed out on the sofa huddled in a nest of pillows and blanket wrapped round his head with only his face poking out he looks like some kind of cosy caterpillar, he looks at peace, relaxed. I'm just sad because when he wakes up all his worries come crashing over him.

I'm sat on the other sofa laptop balance on my little personal table of my bump, I've been thinking a lot about what the police officer said back at the prison in England about telling my story, tell our story what we went through.

I was too scared to lay myself bare to people at first but now I know no matter how silent I remain or keep myself out of gossip people will run their mouths until you eventually open your own and speak your own truth.

I open up my emails and let out a small gasp this alerts Dom and he sits bolt up right and scans my body " baby " is all he muttered out, I frown baffled by his actions until I realised what was wrong, " Dom I'm not due for another 2 and half months silly " I laugh at him because he looks like a adorable fluffy chicken right now with his hair stuck up all over.

He nods and rubs the sleep from his eyes " what's wrong then? " he gets up from the sofa to walk over to mine, " I just had an email from the rolling stone asking to interview us for their July edition " I'm beaming from ear to ear with how excited that makes me feel.

Dom looks like he's in utter shock when I hand him my laptop and he carefully scans the email, " Rocks hottest couple? I like the sound of that " he bites his lower lip as he opens up a new email to reply.

" wait! " I protest before he gets ahead of himself, " I had an idea if it's okay with you that is " I look at him anxiously.

" go on, I mean you could ask me anything and I'd probably agree at this point, you have pregnancy perks " he shrugs, giving me that adorable lazy smile.

" well have you ever told your story in full? Have you ever told the public about your life before yungblud how you had to do those things in order to survive? " I'm picking at the skin around my nails, I'm nervous to ask things like this because it's such a sensitive topic for him, it's a person who he tries to hide from daily.

" I mean no, maybe through my music but not directly no I've never why? " his eyebrows are pinched together in confusion.

" well I've never told my story about James or my family, how he was with me. people just brand me his survivor because they know some what of my story from the trail but they don't know the story in my own words " I pause trying to think of how I'm going to say this without scaring Dom off the idea.

" I just think so many people think they know us, they assume what we've been through and what we've done, wouldn't it be nice to tell the world our own story in our own words united together " I can't look at him whilst I say this I'm too scared of his response.

There's a long pause my eyes still don't move away from the floor, then I feel Dom cup my chin and turn my face to look at him he's smiling genuinely smiling, he doesn't looked pissed off, scared or anxious he looks happy.

" that's the bravest thing we will ever do, I'm going to shit myself but with you by my side we can take on the world " he leans in and plants a gentle kiss on my lips.

" we can take on the world? " I repeat his worlds back to him, " with you by my side, I can do anything baby. You make me strong, you make me want to be brave. " my eyes are pricking with tears at this point.

" I was uh thinking we could do the interview with the magazine at our wedding, nothing says united front then a newly weds " I smile.

" we don't have a date yet though or anything planned fuck" he mutters back to me.

" I don't want anything grand Dom I just want you there, our little family that's it, pick a date preferably before this one makes an appearance " I move his hand to my bump.

His thumb caresses my stomach " two weeks? Would two weeks be enough time to get everything ready " he looks back up at me with hope in his eyes.

" two weeks sounds perfect, we will get all hands on deck but honestly I'd marry you right here right now in my scruffy pj's if I could "

He brings me into his embrace lips meet mine, this kiss was so gentle it was fuel by fire of our passion for one another, I could get lost in those dam lips forever but I pry myself away.

" so the date would be June 28th? I'll let the people at the rolling stone know they have an invite, and no questions are off the table " he nods and wraps his arms around me as a type of the email.

I'm just two weeks time I'm going to be married, I'm going to be Luna Harrison.


This is a double update ya'll

H xo

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