chapter two

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My eyes struggled to stay awake as I listened to my professor talk about external behaviors. I knew I shouldn't have skipped making my morning chai, but, of course, I had to be lazy and wake up fifteen minutes before class starts. I let out a long, exhausted yawn that grabbed my professor's attention.

"Miss Dawson. Care to explain what study John Watson is famous for?" He challenged, staring at me closely. He always picks on his students in hopes to tear them down. This has yet to happen to me.

"John Watson was famous for the Little Albert study which a baby was taught to fear a rat," I responded calmly.

Professor Rowe looked as if he wanted to say that I was wrong but couldn't. I knew for a fact what John Watson was famous for because I read it a couple days ago. Instead of acknowledging that I got the correct answer, he proceeded to lecture the class. That was another thing that bothered me, the professors should at least acknowledge their students in a job well done.

My class ended at 9 and I was free until 12. I decided to catch up with Noel, and her boyfriend Scott since they live on campus. They've been together since high school. Noel has been complaining nonstop about that fact that he hasn't proposed. Now, she's been leaving little hints, trying to persuade him subtly. So far, it hasn't been working out.

"Hey Scott," I said, walking into their apartment. He was making an omelet on the stove, adding way too much salt.

"Hey, Reign. How's life?" He asks grinning. He loved to tease me about how dull my life was compared to his.

"Fabulous," I replied, flipping my hair in a snotty way.

He lets out a low chuckle and gives me a plate with an omelet and hash browns. My stomach growled as I greedily accepted it. I put a bite in my mouth and felt myself wanting to moan in pleasure.

"This is great Scott. Continue culinary school. You're going places," I told him after I swallowed the savory food. He gave me a sheepish smile before thanking me. "Where's Noel?"

"At the library with a study group. She's a little anxious for her first exam in her last year of college," he replied, sitting next to me on the counter.

"A little?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Scott and I both knew Noel is a control freak and wanted everything, and I mean everything, to go her way. It gets worse the further along she gets in the school year.

"She's...handling it," he said, after a moment of thought. What a good boyfriend.

"As long as she's okay," I told him.

"Mm! Tell me about your date," he replied, smirking.

I groan and put my hands over my face. "You need to tell her to stop. I don't need to be in a relationship you know."

"I know. She knows. We know. We're just tired of you third wheeling all the time. It's weird."

I scuffed and looked at him like he was crazy. "Excuse me? I only did that, what? Two times?"

"Two times every week Reign."

I frown and continued to eat my breakfast. "If you guys didn't want me to come you could've just said so."

"It's not like that at all! I'm just, I want to propose to Noel and I can't make it special if you're always there," he said, clearly frustrated. Once he realized what he said his face turned scarlet red.

"Don't tell her!" He said at the same time I replied "Oh my god!"

I jumped out of my seat and began jumping up and down. Noel would be thrilled and here the whole time she was thinking he didn't love her anymore. Poor baby.

"Reign, please keep this to yourself," he begged. I couldn't keep my smile off my face, but I nodded frantically.

"As long as I get to see the ring!"

His face dropped and he looked uneasy. "I haven't got one yet," he mumbled.

"Scott, that's the most important part of a marriage proposal. The only part girls really care about."

"I know, I know," he replied frustrated. "I just haven't had the time to find the right ring."

"Maybe I can help?" I suggested, sitting back into my stool.

Scott smiled gladly and nodded his head. "I could appreciate that."

"Then it's settled. Just tell me when you want to look for some and I'll come," I told him, shoving another fork full of hash browns in my mouth.

"What would I do without you?"

I smiled at his response and flicked my food at him. "Probably moping on the floor," I joked.

Scott takes a minute to think about this but then nods vigorously. "You're probably right."

"You know I am," I said smiling while bumping my shoulders with his. 

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