chapter thirty one

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Song on the side matches the mood for the second half of the chapter :)

As soon as I heard Scott tell me that Julian got shot I felt my all my blood drain from my face. I felt guilty, responsible in a way, which is crazy. But I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault, because I decided to think about myself.

After finding the name of the hospital, I got in one of the cabs that were already outside the building, and told him where to go. Tobias was the last thing on my mind. He had a match he needed to focus on and I need to focus on Julian. I ran to the welcome desk, feeling sick to my stomach.

"Julian Richards," I repeated for the receptionist. "I need to see Julian Richards."

The old lady made me a visitor's pass and told me that he was on this floor and what room number he was in. Shakily, my feet led me to the down the hallway and eventually I found myself outside of his door. He was placed in the ICU, hooked up to machines and what appears to be through his mouth. I let out a sob and covered my mouth from crying out loud.

"Reign," I heard Noel's voice call.

With my eyes in tears, I blink them away and turn around. I saw Noel wrapped in a warm shawl, her arms were shaking as she walked closer to me. I closed the space around us and brought her in for a big hug.

"Shh," I alleviated, patting down her pin straight hair. "He's going to be fine."

Noel sobbed on my shoulder and I couldn't help but cry on her own. I felt all the tension from the last months come out as I held my best friend closely.

"I'm so sorry," I cried. "I was such a bitch. I should've told you-"

Noel shook her head and pulled back. I could see mascara run down her face from her tears. "I shouldn't have pressured you. I trust you. I know you would tell me anything. If you didn't it must be for my own benefit."

She took a deep breath and wiped her tears away on a napkin. "You've always protected me, ever since the day I found out my parents died. I never thanked you for that, so thank you."

"Oh Noel," I breathed out. "You don't have to thank me."

She gave me sad smile before leading me over to a bench. "Of course I do Reign."

I returned my own, watery smile back. I looked back at Julian's room and saw his chest rise up, only he wasn't breathing, the machines were breathing for him.

"What happened? What... What's his prognosis?" I dared to ask.

Noel sighed and wiped her face again. "He was out with Scott, getting a drink from some bar. They didn't even make it to a bar before they were mugged. Scott offered up anything they wanted while Julian tested them. Apparently they were in no mood for games and shot him."

I winced and looked back at her. "And Scott? Where's Scott?"

She saw my panicked look and gave me a genuine smile. "He's fine. One of the guys hit him pretty badly on the back of his head. He's getting stitches right now. And as for the prognosis, they don't know. The bullet was dangerously close to his lungs, which is why he's on the breathing tubes."

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?"

Noel shrugged. "He's probably knocked out from all the morphine he's on."

My heart was beating quickly, like it was trying to run out of my chest. Even though I didn't do anything I felt so guilty. I was thinking about breaking up with him and now I couldn't think of any worst time do it.

"Your... Your rehearsal dinner, is it still tomorrow night?"

Noel gave me a sad nod. "We can't reschedule, we sent over a hundred invitations. We can't let all those people know under short notice. But Scott and I understand if you don't want to come. You can stay here will Julian."

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